24 February 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
A great blog or an entertaining vlog helps you attract people to your site. Both also allow you to engage with your audience, increase brand awareness and show your expertise. That’s because you can use blogs and vlogs to dive into a certain topic related to your site or business. So which one is better? …
Read: "Blog or vlog, which one is better?"
11 February 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
Sites get bigger. We keep on adding content but tend to forget to clean up. As the web grows older, more and more sites are growing older and bigger as well. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Google loves authority, so being around for a long time pays off. However, your website does need to …
Read: "Improving the content SEO fitness of your website"
25 January 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
A new year asks for a new and improved content SEO strategy! Are you also pumped and full of plans to improve your SEO strategy and start a brand new SEO campaign? In this post, I’ll tell you just how to set up a content SEO campaign and quickly improve your chances to outrank your …
Read: "How to plan an SEO campaign for higher rankings"
19 January 2021
Willemien Hallebeek
13 January 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
Online reviews are important for any business. With the current situation, they’ve even become essential when you own a local business. More than ever, people are searching for businesses and products online. Having positive reviews and ratings will help you stand out and attract traffic to your site. But what should you do when you …
Read: "How to respond to positive and negative online reviews"
11 January 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
Having a site for your business is quite common nowadays. Chances are that you’ve also created one to make sure that people can find and contact you online. But have you really thought about the goal of your website? And is this reflected in the structure and content of your site? Writing a mission statement …
Read: "How to write a mission statement for your site"
4 January 2021
Willemien Hallebeek
At a certain point, your website can grow to a monstrous collection of pages. You may realize that you have too many items in your menu and that the coherence of your website is nowhere to be found. Time to clean this mess up! But where to start? It’s a tough job, and sometimes it …
Read: "Clean up your site structure: how to reorganize your website"
23 December 2020
Thijs de Valk
Product images can make or break your online shop’s success. You can hire the best designer in the world to create a killer design, but when images are bad, sales will be bad. It’s the first thing a customer will look at. In this post, we’ll go over a number of things you need to consider when …
Read: "Optimize product images for your online store"