11 November 2021
Willemien Hallebeek
If you’ve been working on your website for a couple of years, chances are that your website has become a giant collection of posts and pages. When writing a post you might find out you’ve already written a similar article (maybe even twice) or you might get a feeling that you’ve written something related that …
Read: "Content maintenance strategy: 6 tips for a cleaner website"
18 October 2021
Amy Lees
Writing fantastic copy isn’t just a skill. It’s an art. We’ve been asking around to find the best copywriting tips from expert writers. Find out how they get started with each piece of writing, what they focus on, and how they craft their content to achieve a goal. If you write for a website or …
Read: "10 copywriting tips – from experts to experts"
22 September 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
Focusing on long-tail keywords is a great SEO tactic. Long-tail keywords are keywords or keyphrases that are more specific – and usually longer – than more commonly used keywords. Long-tail keywords get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value, as they are more specific. They allow you to gradually get more traffic …
Read: "Why focus on long-tail keywords?"
21 September 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
Is it worth your while making your text easy to read? Will it lead to higher rankings and more traffic? In simpler terms: Does readability rank? At Yoast, we’re convinced that writing in plain and understandable language can and will get you more visitors. We’ve even developed a tool to help people write readable text. …
Read: "Does readability rank? On ease of reading and SEO"
20 September 2021
Phil Nottingham
Keyword research for YouTube SEO is a very different process than keyword research for Google and Bing. However, too often marketers take the research they’ve done for Google and apply the learnings directly to YouTube. This never quite works, because the things people search for on YouTube differs greatly from the kind of things they …
Read: "How to do keyword research for YouTube"
25 August 2021
Marieke van de Rakt
There is lots and lots of content out there. Which makes it more difficult to grab and hold the attention of your audience. That’s why you need to make sure that the content on your pages and in your blog posts is new, fresh and above all: original! When you add content to your website, …
Read: "The importance of original content for SEO"