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What is cornerstone content?

15 February 2022 | 2 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

This post explains everything you need to know about cornerstone content – or evergreen content, as it’s also known. You’ll learn what it is, why it’s important for SEO, how to write this kind of content and how you should link from your posts to your cornerstone articles. What is cornerstone content? Cornerstone content is …

Read: "What is cornerstone content?"
What is cornerstone content?

How to add focus to your text with Yoast SEO Insights

12 February 2022 | 17 Comments Edwin Toonen

Your keyword research is done, and you know what to write about. Nothing is going to stop you from getting all that traffic with your new articles. But when you start writing, you notice it can be hard to keep your text focused. Yoast SEO has a helpful little tool to guide you: the Insights …

Read: "How to add focus to your text with Yoast SEO Insights"
How to add focus to your text with Yoast SEO Insights

Taxonomy SEO: How to optimize your categories and tags

We often encounter sites with category and tag structures that are completely unmanaged. Even large news sites can suffer from overusage of tags and categories. Tags and categories are both examples of a taxonomy system. When used correctly, a good taxonomy system can boost your site’s SEO. The opposite is also true: when used wrong, …

Read: "Taxonomy SEO: How to optimize your categories and tags"
Taxonomy SEO: How to optimize your categories and tags

Your website needs SEO maintenance!

2 December 2021 Marieke van de Rakt

In order for a website to be successful, you need to have traffic going to it. You need an audience! That’s why SEO is so very important. Unfortunately, a lot of aspects of SEO are hard work. Kind of boring even. And although these SEO tasks can be boring, your website needs you to execute them. Your website needs SEO love. I am …

Read: "Your website needs SEO maintenance!"
Your website needs SEO maintenance!

Image SEO: How to optimize your alt text and title text

1 December 2021 | 6 Comments Joost de Valk

Adding images to your posts and product pages encourages people to read them, and well-chosen images can also back up your message and get you a good ranking in image search results. But you should never forget to provide your images with good alt attributes. Because alt text strengthens the message of your pages with …

Read: "Image SEO: How to optimize your alt text and title text"
Image SEO: How to optimize your alt text and title text

What queries are you ranking for, and with which pages?

23 November 2021 | 2 Comments Amy Lees

When you’re doing SEO, it’s because you want your pages to rank in Google. You will have picked out one or more keywords to optimize your pages for, but ranking for those keywords is just a tiny part of the story. In reality, you could be ranking for queries you don’t even know about! In …

Read: "What queries are you ranking for, and with which pages?"
What queries are you ranking for, and with which pages?