Avatar of Klara Cvitko

Klara Cvitko

I am an SEO specialist dedicated to delivering the best user experience and sharing our expertise in search engine optimization. 

You can find Klara on: Linkedin

I have a background in digital content management, marketing and SEO. I have a passion for data and research – yes, I’m the person who Googles everything immediately, it simply can’t wait. I leverage this curiosity to apply valuable insights to my work, ensuring that users have the best possible experience through well-optimized and informative content.

Outside of work, I’m a lover of the arts and an avid (board) game enthusiast. I also enjoy exploring the outdoors and I am a big fan of bouldering.

How to make a WordPress website

20 February 2020 | 7 Comments Klara Cvitko

Need to switch to online asap and don’t have a website yet? WordPress is your best friend! Whether you want to create your own personal blog, an online store, or a business website – with WordPress, creating your own website is easy as pie. If you know what you’re doing, of course. In this video, […]

Read: "How to make a WordPress website"

Redirecting your site to non-www and HTTPS

22 February 2019 Klara Cvitko

Let’s say you own the website http://www.some-example.com. After a while, you decide you don’t want to keep the www. You want your visitors to go to the non-www version of your domain instead. What’s more, you’ve also decided to switch from HTTP to HTTPS, to follow security best practices. These two things combined make for quite a move, […]

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Site migration and rankings

19 October 2018 | 4 Comments Klara Cvitko

Site migrations are probably not on most people’s fun list. Alas, sometimes they’re necessary to ensure the continued health of a website. Once you’ve decided you need to do a migration, it’s important to make sure you know what you’re doing and make a plan for how to approach things beforehand. Whether you’re moving from […]

Read: "Site migration and rankings"

SMX London 2024

October 24 - 25, 2024
  • Attending
London, United Kingdom
Marketing Conference

SMX London is at Victoria Park Plaza on the 24th and the 25th of October, 2024. SMX London is designed for professional search marketers who want to be ahead of the curve and thrive even in challenging times. We don’t spend time on generic online marketing topics. All sessions are focused, fast-paced, Q&A-packed, always informative. Don’t miss […] Read about SMX London 2024 »

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