Site structure archives

Recent Site structure articles

What is the difference between tags and categories?

Tags and categories help us structure our content. You can often find these in the visual metadata at for instance blog posts, or in a list of clickable links in the sidebar of a website. Tags are sometimes represented as a tag cloud, although most websites refrain from using that element these days. There is …

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What is the difference between tags and categories?

Create a website with SEO in mind: Content optimization

20 October 2017 | 23 Comments Michiel Heijmans

If you make a website from scratch, you need to take a few SEO related things into account. It’s incredibly important to do this right from the start, as that will prevent a vast number of future headaches. Things like speed optimization and the right use of heading tags help to improve your website for both …

Read: "Create a website with SEO in mind: Content optimization"
Create a website with SEO in mind: Content optimization

Case study: SEO of a mom blog

6 April 2017 | 11 Comments Marieke van de Rakt

SEO can be a rather complicated and abstract thing. What exactly do we mean by increasing keyword density? How do you start with improving the structure of a site? That’s why I’m going to write a series of Ask Yoast case studies. In these case studies, I’ll take a look at a specific site (the owner …

Read: "Case study: SEO of a mom blog"
Case study: SEO of a mom blog

WordPress archive pages: the tutorial

3 March 2017 | 9 Comments Jimmy Comack

Once your website starts growing and you continue writing blog posts, you’ll eventually end up with archive pages. These archive pages can be based on taxonomies, categories, custom post types and even dates. WordPress has built-in support for these archive pages, however there are some small drawbacks. In this post, I’ll explain to you how …

Read: "WordPress archive pages: the tutorial"
WordPress archive pages: the tutorial

The sense and nonsense of XML sitemaps

17 January 2017 | 2 Comments Edwin Toonen

Fact: if your website is set up the right way, you shouldn’t need an XML sitemap at all. You shouldn’t need to think about your category’s XML sitemaps or about including images in your post’s XML sitemap. But why do we keep talking about them like it’s the most important thing ever for SEO? It’s an almost daily …

Read: "The sense and nonsense of XML sitemaps"
The sense and nonsense of XML sitemaps

Yoast SEO 4.0: lightning fast internal linking

13 December 2016 | 83 Comments Joost de Valk

After months of hard work, we are ready to show Yoast SEO 4.0 to the world. In this version, we’re shipping an awesome Premium feature that many of you will find very, very helpful. We’ve figured out how to make the search for related posts to link to, fast and faultless. In this post, we’ll …

Read: "Yoast SEO 4.0: lightning fast internal linking"
Yoast SEO 4.0: lightning fast internal linking