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WordPress 6.0: A major release with major improvements

It’s only been 4 months since the previous major release but we’re already excited to welcome WordPress 6.0. Of course, as with every other major release, you can expect loads of loads of improvements and exciting new features. This new version is no different. WordPress 6.0 continues to refine and iterate on the tools and features …

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WordPress 6.0: A major release with major improvements

Indexing in Yoast SEO: What pages to show in Google’s search results

14 February 2022 Edwin Toonen

You probably want Google and other search engines to show most of your content in the search results. But most websites also have a few pages or posts that don’t need to be featured in those search results. So how do you tell Google what pages to show and which ones not to? This is …

Read: "Indexing in Yoast SEO: What pages to show in Google’s search results"
Indexing in Yoast SEO: What pages to show in Google’s search results

How to optimize an auto-playing background video in WordPress

17 January 2022 Phil Nottingham

An auto-playing background video is a popular feature for the homepage of many websites, from big eCommerce brands to B2B software and services companies. You can use the added visual interest to capture the attention of new visitors and show off your brand personality. With WordPress, it’s very straightforward to set up a video background. …

Read: "How to optimize an auto-playing background video in WordPress"
How to optimize an auto-playing background video in WordPress

Picking an ecommerce platform: WooCommerce or Shopify?

22 December 2021 | 4 Comments Edwin Toonen

Nowadays, building an online store is easier than ever. Picking the right tool to power your new store isn’t. There are many tools out there, but for most people, the choice will be between the two market leaders: Shopify and WooCommerce. Although both ecommerce platforms have a comparable feature set, they have a different philosophy. …

Read: "Picking an ecommerce platform: WooCommerce or Shopify?"
Picking an ecommerce platform: WooCommerce or Shopify?