
Since version 5.0, WordPress comes with a new editor. This is called the block editor, a.k.a. Gutenberg. You can now build your posts and pages with blocks, and that’s only the start of something bigger. The block editor is very nice, so we’re happy to see people move to the WordPress block editor. Read our FAQ about the new block editor.

Beginners level

WordPress: What is Gutenberg aka the block editor? »

If you use WordPress you're bound to have heard somebody mention Gutenberg. But what is Gutenberg? And why is everybody talking about it? Find out now!

Must read articles about Gutenberg

Recent Gutenberg articles

Discover the new features and improvements in WordPress 6.6, including enhanced site editing and preview capabilities!

Read all about the WordPress 6.5 release! Discover the exciting features, including the new Font Library and some new design options.

WordPress 6.4 is coming up! See what will be new in the next WordPress release, planned for November 7th, 2023.

Browse through our Gutenberg content posts. »