6 July 2020
Arjan Snaterse
Now more than ever, you have to make sure that your local audience is able to find you online. One way to make this happen is by creating local landing pages, which are designed to help you rank higher in local areas. So, if you want to increase your visibility on a local level or …
Read: "Local landing pages and how to create them"
20 June 2020
Jono Alderson
When users visit your pages, their browsers download all of the resources needed to display the page – the images, CSS, JavaScript and fonts, and so on. They all use bandwidth, and take time to transfer. But with the right configuration, you can tell those browsers that they can save and re-use those files. Then, …
Read: "How to optimize browser caching"
18 June 2020
Taco Verdonschot
“I came for the software and stayed for the community.” In this episode of our series Why we love WordPress, I’ll show you what’s behind the software we love. Software isn’t writing itself (yet), and behind WordPress is a great number of volunteer teams working on the software and everything around it. These people are …
Read: "The welcoming community of WordPress"
7 May 2020
Michiel Heijmans
At Yoast we love WordPress for multiple reasons. That’s why we decided to make a series of articles about the reasons we love WordPress, starting with an important one: user-friendliness. I’ve tried my share of closed and open-source content management systems. From simple text file based systems 20 years ago to in-house developed closed source …
Read: "The ease and user-friendliness of WordPress"
23 April 2020
Jono Alderson
1 April 2020
Iris Guelen
26 March 2020
Tim Hengeveld