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Recent Yoast SEO articles

Live indexing for Bing & Google coming to Yoast SEO

7 February 2019 | 41 Comments Joost de Valk

As we announced at YoastCon, we’re working together with Bing and Google to allow live indexing for everyone who uses Yoast SEO — free and premium. In the coming months, we’ll allow users to connect their sites to MyYoast, our customer portal. After that we’ll roll out live indexing, which means every time you publish, …

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Live indexing for Bing & Google coming to Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO 9.4: Help us beta test the new SEO analysis!

8 January 2019 | 54 Comments Edwin Toonen

Over the years, we’ve learned a lot about SEO. We felt the impact quality content and a technically flawless site has on a successful SEO strategy, so we built tools that help you to improve your own site. We’ve developed a strong set of defaults that can be applied to a broad spectrum of sites. …

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Yoast SEO 9.4: Help us beta test the new SEO analysis!

Yoast SEO 9.3: Fixes and enhancements

18 December 2018 | 9 Comments Edwin Toonen

It’s an interesting time for WordPress users and plugin developers. Last week, WordPress 5.0 was released, one of the biggest releases of the CMS ever. Because it was such a big release, there were bound to be issues during the roll-out, mostly because of incompatibility issues between plugins and/or themes. Yoast SEO works well in …

Read: "Yoast SEO 9.3: Fixes and enhancements"
Yoast SEO 9.3: Fixes and enhancements

Yoast SEO 9.2: Getting ready for WordPress 5.0

20 November 2018 | 18 Comments Edwin Toonen

We are getting ready for WordPress 5.0 and the new Gutenberg editor — are you? In Yoast SEO 9.2, we’ve solidified our support for WordPress 5.0 to make sure nothing breaks when you update to the new version of the CMS. What’s more, we’re now using a brand-new WordPress API to get our eye markers …

Read: "Yoast SEO 9.2: Getting ready for WordPress 5.0"
Yoast SEO 9.2: Getting ready for WordPress 5.0

Yoast SEO 9.1: The Hacktoberfest Edition

6 November 2018 | 7 Comments Edwin Toonen

October is Hacktoberfest month! Hacktoberfest is all about contributing to open source projects together. This year, we welcomed a nice crowd at Yoast HQ to help us improve our own and other peoples open source projects. Some of these fixes and enhancements made by this fine group of people made it into Yoast SEO 9.1. …

Read: "Yoast SEO 9.1: The Hacktoberfest Edition"
Yoast SEO 9.1: The Hacktoberfest Edition

Yoast SEO 9.0: A much improved SEO analysis

23 October 2018 | 27 Comments Edwin Toonen

Welcome to the dawn of a new era. For ages, Yoast SEO has helped you optimize your content using a focus keyword. This works well but could be a lot more flexible. The plugin only recognized an exact match of your keyword and didn’t take plural forms into account, for instance. So, sometimes you had …

Read: "Yoast SEO 9.0: A much improved SEO analysis"
Yoast SEO 9.0: A much improved SEO analysis

Yoast SEO 8.4: Helping you optimize taxonomies

9 October 2018 | 9 Comments Edwin Toonen

Most releases are all about incredible new features or fixing a gazillion bugs with the help of the community. But sometimes, there’s a small release that is unfortunately timed just before a big one. There may not be any new game-changers in Yoast SEO 8.4, but does that mean it shouldn’t get its own release …

Read: "Yoast SEO 8.4: Helping you optimize taxonomies"
Yoast SEO 8.4: Helping you optimize taxonomies