3 October 2019
Manuel Augustin
One of the key features of Yoast SEO is the content analysis. The analysis consists of multiple checks that give you SEO and readability feedback on the texts you write on your website. Some of these checks are language-independent. For these, we don’t need to create specific versions for, say, French and English. For others, …
Read: "How we make Yoast SEO understand your language"
20 August 2019
Caroline Geven
Are you ready for another exciting release to round up the Yoast SEO 11 cycle? Because we are! In Yoast SEO 11.9, we have improvements for Schema and security, we have bug fixes and updates for Local and News SEO! Improving Schema once again With the closing of the Yoast SEO 11 releases we’ve yet …
Read: "Yoast SEO 11.9: More fixes and enhancements"
6 August 2019
Caroline Geven
Release history tells us that the releases in the months of July and August are usually very quiet. Due to vacations from team members, the focus usually lies on fixing bugs and cleaning up. Not for Yoast SEO 11.8! This new release gives you an enhanced meta box, an improved Schema output and bug fixes, …
Read: "Yoast SEO 11.8: Improving Yoast SEO with the help of the community"