Yoast SEO 3.3: content analysis

Today we’re very proud to release Yoast SEO 3.3! Yoast SEO 3.3 is a huge update, with many new features. The most important improvement is the new content analysis. As of today, Yoast SEO checks both the readability and the SEO-friendliness of your articles. But this update contains even more: we’ve expanded our help center with search for our knowledge base! And on top of that, we took care of lots of small and larger issues. So make sure to update Yoast SEO and benefit from our new features!

Check out our new video about Yoast SEO 3.3:

Content analysis

Yoast SEO takes care of most technical issues concerning SEO. The biggest challenge for our users is to write high-quality content that actually ranks. That’s why we added a content tab to our meta box. In the meta box, you’ll find the content & SEO analysis. This analysis consists of a content tab and an SEO tab. The SEO tab is pretty much what you are used to. Fill out your focus keyword, edit your snippet preview, check out your green bullets!

If you hit the content tab, you will find 6 brand new content checks. These checks will help you to write more readable texts. We check sentence length, paragraph length and your use of subheadings. These checks are available for all languages. We’ll also check use of passive voice and your use of transition words. Finally, we calculate your Flesch Reading Ease score. Passive voice, transition words and Flesch reading ease will only be available in English (for now). The checks in the content tab should help you to write a text that is nice and easy to read.

If you would like to read more about the new content checks and how we decided upon the exact measurements of our assessments, you can read our post about the methodological choices we made. Of course, we are already working on making new content checks.

Read more: Content analysis: methodological choices explained »

How to use the content analysis?

After you’ve written your text, or while you are writing, you can check the bullets of the content analysis. Clicking on the little eye next to the bullet will allow you to highlight text which encountered the readability issue. Your text could, for example, contain many lengthy sentences. Clicking on the little eye, allows you to highlight these lengthy sentences. That’ll make improving that much easier.


Help center!

In Yoast 3.2 we added a help center. In this release, we made this help center even more helpful. We expanded the help center with search for our knowledge base. This will enable you to search our knowledge base straight from the backend.

And many, many, many other things!

The Yoast SEO 3.2 release also took care of a lot of other (big and small) things. We’ve created a new Yoast notifications center and we’ve adapted our snippet preview as Google changed the title width. Above that, we made improvements on our XML sitemaps and made lots of transliteration improvements. Want to read more, go check out the changelog!

Coming up next!

66 Responses to Yoast SEO 3.3: content analysis

  1. shomalfilm
    shomalfilm  • 9 years ago

    I post the WordPress site through xmlrpc
    i can fill Custom field of yoast SEO with xmlrpc but in new version Focus keyword field not complete.
    Do you have changed the name of the field?(_yoast_wpseo_focuskw)
    if you changed whats new name?
    if no chane why not fill this field?but fill other field

    yoast seo show me this error

    The focus keyword doesn’t appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately

    In the event that There is a need at all points.
    but yoast cant find and show error

  2. jamie
    jamie  • 9 years ago

    In the readability section, when i click the eye icons. No text is being highlighted. Is this feature working? It does not work on any of my websites.

    • Joost de Valk

      Are you using the richt text editor?

  3. Gillian Bolton
    Gillian Bolton  • 9 years ago

    Can somebody advise me why now i have updated to Version 3.3.2 my focus keywords and all the SEO work i have just recently done is saved fine, but when i open a post or page and edit and save it all the old SEO work is lost?

    • Gillian Bolton
      Gillian Bolton  • 9 years ago

      My focus keywords are still not present when i edit a page or post can someone tell me why this is please?

  4. Jerry
    Jerry  • 9 years ago

    How Crazy do you get using the content analyzer, I am getting a green Overall but a red with Transition words. Do I go crazy trying to fix it to get a perfect score or am I just making myself crazy for no reason.

  5. Curt Johnson
    Curt Johnson  • 9 years ago

    I’ve found it’s usually good to wait a week after a big update on this plugin as there’s usually tweaky bugs that can set your site into overdrive.

    Usually there’s about 2 or 3 updates after a major one so waiting is smart if you’ve got a really large site or a news site where you can really get hurt by problems.

    These updates sound incredible and I’ve been a user of this plugin since it started way back when, but sometimes waiting is a smart move.

    • Joost de Valk

      We’re not currently planning a 3.3.2, at least, not with bugfixes, I think you would be ok :)

  6. john
    john  • 9 years ago

    I updated to 3.3.1 and on the content tab I am getting the following errors consistently:
    An error occured in the ‘fleschReadingEase’ assessment
    FeedbackAn error occured in the ‘textSentenceLength’ assessment
    FeedbackAn error occured in the ‘textTransitionWords’ assessment
    FeedbackAn error occured in the ‘passiveVoice’ assessment

    Any suggestions? I have not (yet) reinstalled the plugin

    • Michael
      Michael  • 9 years ago

      UPDATE: John,
      I discovered that the content analysis works as long as you don’t save the post in any way. As soon as I hit “Save Draft” or “Publish”, this part of the plugin breaks. I don’t know if this will work for you, but it might be worth a try.

      • Joost de Valk

        Hmm we’re going to come back on this, sounds like you guys are running into an annoying bug.

    • Joost de Valk

      Hey John,

      I assume you’re writing in English? We’d love to have a look at what’s going wrong, sounds like you’ve encountered a bug. Does this encounter on all your posts?

      • Michael
        Michael  • 9 years ago

        I too am having the same issue. One day it will work, the other day I get the four “error occured” messages. It’s this way on two completely different blogs using different themes and plugins. Kind of a bummer since I need the Flesch Reading part to work.

  7. Jesper Damgaard
    Jesper Damgaard  • 9 years ago

    Just updated to oast Seo Version 3.3.1
    Now the Content analysis tab on all pages are blank !

  8. Ben Jones
    Ben Jones  • 9 years ago

    More than likely, I speak for a lot of people. The grammar check and alerts on this update frustrating. Running a check on grammarly and then in yoast; Grammarly shows no passive voice, Yoast is showing 10%. My employee ran a mark twain story through it and it was horribly red. Clients are panicking because suddenly they are seeing alerts all over the place. I love yoast but this was a gross and ugly misstep. (Passive voice intentional)

    • Joost de Valk

      We recognize more passive voice usage than Grammarly does, that’s true. You’re writing text for the web. Mark Twain wasn’t written for the web. If you’re writing a novel, I’d suggest using a different tool than WordPress ;)

  9. Mia Thanh Tung
    Mia Thanh Tung  • 9 years ago

    Hello friends!

    Please let me ask about the language issue in Vietnam, as the imperfect picture: https://taisanviet.com/phong-tro-chau-doc-an-giang, seoyoast When it is: https: / /taisanviet.com/phong-tro-chau-doc-giang. ???
    Looking forward to respond ..

    Thank you….!

  10. Ken
    Ken  • 9 years ago

    Absolutely great plugin! I’m relying heavily on the data it offers. Just one observation: Google Webmaster Tools complain that “Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page.” I’ve tried almost everything to correct it but to no avail. I don’t use W3.

    • Ken
      Ken  • 9 years ago

      Finally found out that it was a backdoor script on my website that caused Google to complain about the sitemap being in the wrong format. It completely took my site down for a few days by Google and Bing. That was scary!

  11. CB
    CB  • 9 years ago

    Hi Yoast
    Your plugin is invaluable. However after upgrading all focus keywords in published posts disappeared. Also the index option was no longer set.
    I have had to reset each post to index and add the focus keywords from scratch to many older posts. Anyone else experience this?

  12. john
    john  • 9 years ago

    the version 3.3.1 seems to be too big. almost 6 megabytes zipped and almost 20 megabytes when extracted. i guess somethink was duplicated in the zip file? i can see a file named trunk that perhaps is there by mistake? can i delete it, or is it necessary and all those new excellent feautures added more megabytes to the size of yoast? thank you

    • Joost de Valk

      Are we talking about the plugin zip file from wordpress.org? Because that’s created by wordpress.org, we don’t do that…

      • porotikos
        porotikos  • 9 years ago

        ahhh sorry. so i do only download yoast seo plugin from yoast.com? because wordpress informed me i needed to update yoast, update gailed and i had to manually install it. ok i am downloading the file from yoast.com

  13. Bob
    Bob  • 9 years ago

    Can you offer the option to disable the Yoast notifications on the admin bar – it’s distracting and also we cannot dismiss the 2 notifications which, for some reason, are listed under suggestions but they are about the updates! Yoast SEO is becoming more and more ‘look at me’ – it’s not needed.

    • Joost de Valk

      Hey Bob,

      we did a fix yesterday in 3.3.1 that should allow you to properly dismiss the notifications.

  14. Antonio
    Antonio  • 9 years ago

    Yes, of course. But I liked the green light on the top of the page. Never mind, thanks for your kind answer

  15. Antonio
    Antonio  • 9 years ago

    Dear Joost, thanks for your great job. A question: I don’t need content analysis. Is there a way to remove this function from pages check, or to downgrade to previous plugin’s version?

    • Joost de Valk

      Well you can disable the SEO metabox for the post type, you cannot and will not be able to disable the content analysis. You *can* ignore it, of course :)

      • Tom
        Tom  • 9 years ago

        Same here – a lot of my content isn’t designed to be as SEO-friendly as possible because I actually care things like subject matter, details and research rather than just driving at many hits as possible.

        There really, really, really, really should be an option to disable the content analysis for people who don’t want to use it and find it annoying and discouraging.

      • Tim
        Tim  • 9 years ago

        We shouldn’t have to ignore it. We should be able to get rid of it altogether. A 350-word blog post about one narrow subject does not need subheads and seeing a “Bad” check mark at the top right of the dashboard because we don’t agree is annoying.

  16. Jeff Payne
    Jeff Payne  • 9 years ago

    Hi Yoast
    Firstly thanks for the plugin, secondly, I have noticed that every time I click the page UPDATE button the TRANSITION WORD percentage decreases (without any changes being made to the page) Is this supposed to happen? Don’t know whether it’s a fault with the plugin or whether it’s a local error to my site?

    • Jeff Payne
      Jeff Payne  • 9 years ago

      Hello Joost,
      The other two percentages (Content Analysis) are also changing every time the update button is pressed.

      • Jeff Payne
        Jeff Payne  • 9 years ago

        Is anybody else having an issue with the Content analysis percentages changing when the update button is pressed without actually changing any of the page content?
        I am working through my site trying to improve my content to give the viewer the very best experience possible and this error is happening on all the sites pages.

        • Jeff Payne
          Jeff Payne  • 9 years ago

          Hi Joost,
          The more work I am doing with the new version of SEO by Yoast, the more problems I encounter. Working on a page per page basis the Focus keyword appears to be stripped out when going from the web view to the edit page view. I have checked this error by changing the filter values on the bulk page editor section. Filter is changed to SEO: No Focus Keyword and only the expected pages are showing no focus keyword. IS THIS A BUG???? We are running the Weaver Xtreme theme

  17. Ekesmall
    Ekesmall  • 9 years ago

    Good day Joost, 9ice updates there.

    Please am I to re-do all the settings like sitemap, social and others manually or the settings will be updated once I updates the premium version??

    • Joost de Valk

      No absolutely not. Those settings will stay!

  18. priya
    priya  • 9 years ago

    Content is the king. Other techniques can also generate traffic but good content will make you ultimate winner.

  19. Marius
    Marius  • 9 years ago

    Something has happen with the field “yoast_wpseo_focuskw” (renamed ID, class or something else) because a lot of us have “forms” who create posts and now this filed stopped to work. Now forms who create posts to can use “Focus keyword field” must to declare their field as “yoast_wpseo_focuskw_text_input” but the big problem is the old created posts who will be without “Focus keyword” because “Old Entries(posts)” created by a form can not “retire” from database “old and new field values” declared in 2 different ways.
    I do not understand why a field ID must to be renamed as long as do not conflict with something else.

  20. Joshua
    Joshua  • 9 years ago

    The plugin update broken “text” editing on new posts and pages. All the options and buttons disappeared. Is a fix in progress? I may have to look elsewhere for an SEO plugin for all my sites. Help!

  21. Cristhian
    Cristhian  • 9 years ago

    You are genius… Thanks u for this plugin!!

  22. Derek
    Derek  • 9 years ago

    I upgraded my premium plugin and broke the blog. Well the only thing I can not do now is edit or publish posts/pages because of SEO stuff missing/messed up.

    Yoast, I sent in a email with 3 screenshots and temp Admin login for the support team. Not sure whats going on but I so want to experience the new version. I just keep reading about it. lol

    I hope it get’s fixed as my license renewal is next month. :P

  23. Jason George
    Jason George  • 9 years ago

    Any word if it will interact/work with Visual Composer?

  24. Nectarios
    Nectarios  • 9 years ago

    Have you noticed that the “Recalculate Yoast SEO score” option has disappeared from the Tools menu?

    Is this part of the update or is this a bug?

    I have the premium version of the Yoast SEO.

    • Joost de Valk

      We have removed it because at this time, there should be no reason to do that and it caused more issues than it solved. We’re pondering if and how to bring it back :)

  25. Ngan Son
    Ngan Son  • 9 years ago

    Thank you for your update. It is useful for my blog.

  26. Pavan R Chawla
    Pavan R Chawla  • 9 years ago

    The content evaluation is a wonderful addition. Thanks Team Yoast. You guys are amazing.

  27. Mitch
    Mitch  • 9 years ago

    I guess enough people complained about how bad the notifications got and they finally addressed it!

    • Joost de Valk

      We’d been eyeing a solution like this for a while, but needed to find the time to implement it :)

  28. Carmine
    Carmine  • 9 years ago

    I can translate the transition words you listed to pt_BR (portuguese Brazil). I’m in the Yoast translation project.
    Is it possible?

    • Joost de Valk

      We might be asking our translation team to help with that, yes, but not just yet!

  29. Natalie
    Natalie  • 9 years ago

    Wow – for a free service, this is absolutely wonderful. You save me a ton of time. Thank you

  30. Ludolf Eisheuer
    Ludolf Eisheuer  • 9 years ago

    Hello Joost de Valk,
    Thank you for so much helpfully information´s.
    Your products and your Blog are my most important spender of information´s for WordPress Posts.
    Greetings Ludolf

  31. Mat
    Mat  • 9 years ago

    Any plan to include Portuguese language (Brazilian one) ?

  32. Pawel
    Pawel  • 9 years ago

    I understand that language checker (passive voice and other features) works only in English. What about other languages? I use you plugin mainly in Polish, which is a flexion language. Your plugin checks cannot even recognize singular and plural forms of the same word, reading them as different words. Not to mention other flexion forms. Pretty much useless and also annoying when using and getting a lot red dots.
    BTW: I do not even know how Google handles Polish (and other similar) language – do you?

    • Joost de Valk

      Hi Pawel,

      That almost sounds like you’re complaining that your free plugin isn’t good enough ;) We’ll try to make this work for as many languages as we can, but I can’t give any guarantees.

  33. Randy
    Randy  • 9 years ago

    Im using Premium Version 3.2.5 ! i can’t wait to check out the new features .

    • Joost de Valk

      We’re seeing some update issues for some people, so you *might* need to update manually if you’re still not seeing the update.

      • Ian Sterling
        Ian Sterling  • 9 years ago

        How do you update manually?
        I have a small site with the free version and that updated yesterday. And it looks great by the way! My main business site has the premium version but there’s no sign of an update so far.
        Thanks for all the great work.

        • Joost de Valk

          Hey guys, go to https://yoast.com/licenses/ and enter your email address into the center box. You’ll get a copy of your purchase receipt with download links!

      • David Clark
        David Clark  • 9 years ago

        I am a Premium customer, how do I locate the file so I can upgrade manually?

  34. Randy
    Randy  • 9 years ago

    What about the Premium version?

    • Joost de Valk

      Hi Randy,

      it has all these features too. But we’ve decided to add these new features to the free version so everyone can benefit.

      • Randy
        Randy  • 9 years ago

        of course, it has :D But for me I don’t see any update notification, should i update it manually ?

        • Joost de Valk

          WordPress caches updates for 24 hours. It might take a bit. If you go to Dashboard ? Updates you can refresh that cache and it should show up immediately normally.

  35. Roger Schaeder
    Roger Schaeder  • 9 years ago

    I assume all the readability checks are for the English language only…?

    • Joost de Valk

      Passive voice, Flesch reading ease and transition words are English only for now. The other 3 work in all languages. The checks that aren’t applicable to your site’s language are automatically disabled. We’re working hard on making Flesch reading ease available for other languages too.