Yoast SEO news webinar – August 31, 2021
What you will learn in this webinar
Every month, our SEO experts Jono Alderson and Joost de Valk will talk you through:
- The most important SEO updates from Google, WordPress and other platforms
- What to prioritize for your business as they share their views on the news
- Relevant best practices to help you outrank your competitors
Replay & Recap
This webinar took place on August 31st, 2021. Watch the replay above or read the recap here!
Register here for our next SEO Webinar on September 28th
Topics discussed in this webinar
Timestamps indicate when the topic comes up in the recording
Google news
- 0:16 – Google is rewriting Titles
- 3:05 – Google’s update about how they generate page titles
- 5:46 – Report your wrong titles in this Google thread
- 9:13 – Our advice on writing titles
- 10:49 – Google shows why it ranked a result
- 12:27 – Google pass signals with a redirect after a year
- 14:00 – Google’s new deals section
- 15:27 – URL property to identify authors of articles
- 17:05 – Google fighting link spam
- 18:21 – Larger images improve CTR
- 19:37 – New: “How search works”
Internet news
- 21:20 – Important YouTube updates
- 23:35 – New: in-app shopping experiences on TikTok
- 23:30 – People spend more money on Amazon then Walmart
- 26:05 – Improved US Apple Maps
- 27:19 – Newsletter subscription button on profile pages
Yoast News
- 29:33 – Yoast acquired by Newfold
- 30:41 – Yoast SEO 16.8: Slovak and Norwegian language support
- 30:57 – Yoast SEO 16.9: An SEO workout to clean up your content
- 31:51 – Yoast SEO 17.0: SEO in your mother-tongue
- 32:31 – First Yoast SEO Summer School
- 33:26 – Podcast with Cindy Krum on passage ranking, PWA, voice search and new Moblie Moxie tools
- 33:33 – Podcast with Marcus Tandler on making the internet carbon neutral and website UX.
- 35:08 – Q&A
Starring this webinar

Joost de Valk
Joost is the founder and Chief Product Officer at Yoast. He spends most of his time at Yoast working on Yoast SEO and its add-ons. As Chief Product Officer he makes sure the roadmap for all our products is managed.
Jono Alderson
Jono is a digital strategist, marketing technologist, and full stack developer. He’s into technical SEO, emerging technologies, and brand strategy.
Click here to register for our free SEO news webinar in September
P.s. Haven’t tried our free Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress yet? Click here to check it out!