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Yoast SEO 4.0: lightning fast internal linking

13 December 2016 | 83 Comments Joost de Valk

After months of hard work, we are ready to show Yoast SEO 4.0 to the world. In this version, we’re shipping an awesome Premium feature that many of you will find very, very helpful. We’ve figured out how to make the search for related posts to link to, fast and faultless. In this post, we’ll …

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Yoast SEO 4.0: lightning fast internal linking

Yoast SEO 3.4: accessibility first

Today we’re releasing Yoast SEO 3.4, a release mostly aimed at improving our accessibility. Which means you won’t see most of the changes, but they’ll make a world of difference to others. We’ve also improved our readability checks and how we deal with some languages, more on that below. Accessibility changes When we hired Andrea a …

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Yoast SEO 3.4: accessibility first

Yoast SEO 3.3: content analysis

Today we’re very proud to release Yoast SEO 3.3! Yoast SEO 3.3 is a huge update, with many new features. The most important improvement is the new content analysis. As of today, Yoast SEO checks both the readability and the SEO-friendliness of your articles. But this update contains even more: we’ve expanded our help center …

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Yoast SEO 3.3: content analysis

Yoast SEO 3.1: Improved snippet editor and primary category

Today we’re releasing Yoast SEO 3.1. It’s a release we’re truly very proud of in terms of functionality but also in the process we’ve gone through. Yoast SEO 3.0 was arguably our biggest release ever, with a lot of changes that needed to happen but it also lead to issues. Yoast SEO 3.1 aims to keep the …

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Yoast SEO 3.1: Improved snippet editor and primary category