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How to create a Gutenblock with ACF

30 October 2019 Sjardo Janssen

If you have limited knowledge about JavaScript, building native Gutenblocks can be a challenge. All the documentation contains JavaScript. Yet, when you build a theme, most things are done with PHP. Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) built a great bridge to close this gap, allowing you to build Gutenblocks with just PHP! As ACF is an »

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How to create a Gutenblock with ACF

Unit-testing with mocks in WordPress

16 October 2019 Alexander

Unit-testing your WordPress plugin can be challenging. Luckily there are tools out there making it a lot easier. In this post, we will be covering the following tools: PHPUnit, Mockery and BrainMonkey. Together these tools can be a powerful tool to ensure the technical quality of your plugin. Before we started using these tools at »

Read: "Unit-testing with mocks in WordPress"
Unit-testing with mocks in WordPress

Why your websites’ code structure matters

4 September 2019 Josee Wouters

When you’re creating your own WordPress theme or adapting an existing theme, pay attention to your code structure and semantics. This will benefit your website greatly: it improves your SEO because search engines know better what to expect on your site. It will also improve your site’s accessibility: meaning that people who use assistive technologies, »

Read: "Why your websites’ code structure matters"
Why your websites’ code structure matters

An introduction to hooks in React

14 August 2019 Hans-Christiaan Braun

Function components in React are awesome. They let you create a component without the overhead and extra code of a class. However, up until recently, class components did have an edge over function components. Specifically: class components could have state, whereas function components were doomed to be stateless. Now, with the addition of hooks in »

Read: "An introduction to hooks in React"
An introduction to hooks in React

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