Yoast SEO 8.4: Helping you optimize taxonomies

Most releases are all about incredible new features or fixing a gazillion bugs with the help of the community. But sometimes, there’s a small release that is unfortunately timed just before a big one. There may not be any new game-changers in Yoast SEO 8.4, but does that mean it shouldn’t get its own release post? Of course not! So, my dear Yoast SEO 8.4, here we are!

Keeping up with our two week release schedule, we’re releasing Yoast SEO 8.4 today. While we’re gearing up for something pretty awesome in the next couple of weeks, we wouldn’t want to leave you hanging for too long.

New in Yoast SEO 8.4 Premium: Synonyms in taxonomies

In Yoast SEO 8.4, we’re expanding a feature for our Premium users. It is now possible to optimize your taxonomies for multiple focus keywords and synonyms. We’ve also added the keyword distribution assessment to help you check and improve your focus keyword use in taxonomies. To make this happen, we have introduced a new wpseo_taxonomy_content_fields filter so we can add the additional fields to the taxonomy metabox.

Don’t have Premium yet? What are you waiting for? You get a redirect manager, internal linking suggestions, synonym support and much more. Go get Yoast SEO Premium!


In this release, we improved compatibility with Gutenberg so the latest changes in the new WordPress editor won’t break Yoast SEO. In addition, we now only support Gutenberg versions 3.9 and up. A community contribution by Emily Leffler Schulman this time. She suggested we add a margin below select fields to create space for breadcrumbs between taxonomy settings. Thanks, Emily!

Bug fixes

This time, we had time to fix a small number of pesky bugs. In one case, we fixed a bug that showed the cornerstone content toggle for attachment pages. We’ve also fixed a bug from the future. Sometimes, the Search Console page displayed ‘first detected’ and ‘last crawled’ dates that were in the future.

Update now!

Yoast SEO 8.4 is out now. It’s not a very big release, but we’re putting just as much love into small releases as we do in big releases. That being said, there’s something brewing at Yoast HQ, but it’s all very hush-hush. Keep an eye on our SEO blog or subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with the latest!

Read more: Why  you should buy Yoast SEO Premium »

Discussion (9)

  1. Adam
    Adam Oct. 18, 2018

    I used the Yoast plugin many years ago and have recently reinstalled it for a new project. It’s fantastic, but I have one question.

    To illustrate what I mean, let’s say I write an article and Yoast says I have used 14% passive voice. I remember there was a way to click and it would highlight each paragraph that had used passive voice. But I can’t for the life of me work out how to do this on the new version.

    Is this still possible to do?

  2. Arjun
    Arjun Oct. 17, 2018

    Edwin, Can you tell that If there is paginated URL kaiseinhindi.com/page/1/
    Can I Implement Home Page as a canonical url on above paginated URLs?

  3. sofbang
    sofbang Oct. 17, 2018

    Yeah yoast plugin is the best to use. It gives all the functions that are easy to use for the customer. Very useful information. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Custom WordPress Solutions
    Custom WordPress Solutions Oct. 11, 2018

    Completely agreed with your perspective. They are really important.

  5. Gracious Store
    Gracious Store Oct. 11, 2018

    Do we need yo do anything other than to update your plugin?

  6. Isa
    Isa Oct. 10, 2018

    I have install yoast seo and it’s working good for me.
    Yoast seo is really a great plugin.

  7. Sajag Infotech
    Sajag Infotech Oct. 10, 2018

    This blog is a very informational blog for me! Yoast SEO plugin is the most informational for all over.

  8. Dharmbir Pandey
    Dharmbir Pandey Oct. 10, 2018

    Thanks for publishing such a nice post. It was really worth reading. Will definitely consider installing Yoast SEO 8.4.

  9. vmcgahey
    vmcgahey Oct. 10, 2018

    How do i install it?