Yoast SEO 11.2: Schema enhancements and more

Today, we’re releasing Yoast SEO 11.2 into the wild. This release contains several enhancements to our Schema structured data implementation, plus a number of community contributions and general bug fixes. In this post, you’ll find everything you need to know about Yoast SEO 11.2, so dive in!

More Schema improvements

These past couple of weeks saw quite a bit of development in the structured data department. In Yoast SEO 11.0, we launched a structured data implementation that automatically generates a graph for any given website and its pages. In Yoast SEO 11.1, we improved the way we handle images in structured data, among other things. We said we wouldn’t be done on the Schema front for some time. Well, Yoast SEO 11.2 brings even more structured data goodness.

Image improvements

As mentioned in the release post of Yoast SEO 11.1, we’ve been working on a better way to pick images correctly for use in the generated structured data. In this release, we’re introducing a new way to make sure we always include an image in the structured data. Now, we pick the first image in the content for the Schema output if you haven’t set a featured image.

Tailor the Schema output

Of course, it’s possible that you’d like to incorporate your own Schema pieces into our graph. We already have the wpseo_schema_graph_piecesfilter to help you extend the Yoast SEO Schema. This way, you can tailor the implementation to your own needs. In addition, we’re now introducing a new filter that will help you control what Yoast SEO outputs. The new wpseo_schema_needs_<class_name> filter helps you disable or enable specific pieces of the graph.

Last but not least, we’ve also added a filter called wpseo_schema_person_social_profiles for adding or deleting social profiles to show. Read our Schema API documentation to find out how our Schema implementation works and how you can tailor it to your needs.

Community help

Yoast SEO 11.2 is a community-driven effort. We love getting outside help, so thanks everybody. In this release, David Tolnem and Saša Todorović came up with a filter for adding posts with a custom post statuses to the sitemap: wpseo_sitemap_post_statuses. This means you can now use the custom post statuses made in tools such as Edit Flow and add these to the sitemap. Saša also helped fix a bug together with Jessica Zehavi. This one was a bug where URLs with a non-Yoast SEO related xsl query string parameter would result in a blank page.

Rami Yushuvaev helped us make translating the plugin easier by merging near identical strings and he fixed a bug concerning an incorrect URL leading to Pinterest’s claim page.

Better sitemap debugging

To help you debug your sitemaps, we’ve decoupled the sitemap debug information from the general WP_DEBUG flag. Instead, we now offer the YOAST_SEO_DEBUG_SITEMAPS flag to better control this functionality. Now, we can output more specific debug information on the sitemap pages.

Update away!

Yoast SEO 11.2 fixes several bugs and enhances the Schema implementation. Thanks to our highly valued community, we have a number of fixes and improvements. We always enjoy seeing so many people contribute to our open source plugin. Interested in contributing? Please read our contribution guidelines on GitHub.

Read more: Yoast SEO 11.3: Even more enhancements »

Discussion (39)

  1. navdeep
    navdeep May. 24, 2019

    Can anybody help me on how to turn on the meta keywords in Yoast SEO Version 11.2.1

  2. Sandeep singh
    Sandeep singh May. 22, 2019

    The Schema enhancements are awesome. But the author is not being displayed for some reason. Please check.

  3. Diego Kravetz
    Diego Kravetz May. 22, 2019

    Good morning,

    since yesterday the Yoast SEO plugin does not work properly for me. I was trying to configure the SEO of an entry and, suddenly, when I clicked on the P key, instead of visualizing it on the screen what it does is open the option to export from the active template (see screenshot). This only happens when I try to fill in the SEO Title and MetaDescription fields of any entry, in the other situations the P key works correctly. Also the S when trying to use it in the mentioned fields does not work.

    How can I reverse the failure?

    Thanks, greetings
    Diego Kravetz

  4. Rajeev
    Rajeev May. 21, 2019

    I dont know that default Yoast SEO plugins provide Schema enhancements and I configure Schema wordpress plugins but later on today I check that Yoast SEO it self provide schema improvement its really awesome. Thanks for sharing great information

  5. sreekanth devireddy
    sreekanth devireddy May. 20, 2019

    Why don’t you guys provide schema options in wordpress classic editor ,which is available in Gutenberg

    whats the use of new updates by not adding one of the key feature.

    hope you guys add this in next update.

  6. Arron Murray
    Arron Murray May. 19, 2019

    Why is Schema not displaying the author on search results?

  7. Christy Maurer
    Christy Maurer May. 19, 2019

    The latest WordPress update doesn’t want us to use alt text if the images are purely decorative. Are you going to address that issue or has it already been addressed? Thanks!

  8. Sajjan
    Sajjan May. 19, 2019

    I updated but it caused issue. The Seo metabox in Posts and Pages are not displayed.So I turned back into past one.

  9. Azhar Malik
    Azhar Malik May. 17, 2019

    Hi Edwin,
    Is Yoast SEO 11.2 already available for plugin installer?

  10. momoh ibrahim
    momoh ibrahim May. 17, 2019

    This new version seems to have a lot of benefits. Thanks for the information, hoping to use Yoast SEO 11.2. I will like to see all this benfits in the image improvement and community contribution. Thanks for the great work.

  11. Roberto
    Roberto May. 17, 2019

    I updated to yoast 11.2, worpress 5.2, but I don’t know if I can also update woocommerce. Woo reports that yoast is not tested for their most recent version

  12. Kính Phủ Nano Kính nano
    Kính Phủ Nano Kính nano May. 17, 2019

    I have not seen the update Yoast SEO 11.2

  13. Edwin Toonen
    Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

    I’ve fixed it, thanks for the heads up.

  14. Saeid Mosaddegh
    Saeid Mosaddegh May. 16, 2019

    problem to update Yoast SEO Premium 11.2
    i send you ticket but not answer yet!

  15. Hardik
    Hardik May. 16, 2019

    I have update yoast but after update yoast, Meta data editor is blank.
    How to solve this.

    Please let me know possible solution.

    • Edwin Toonen
      Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

      Are you on WordPress 4.9.x? There’s a known issue with that and it’s being fixed asap.

  16. Huy
    Huy May. 16, 2019

    I use plugin YoastSEO 11.1.1 for wordpress 4.9.10
    Everything be ok
    But today i update yoast to 11.2. I can use plugin anymore.
    Please check it.
    Thanks so much

    • Edwin Toonen
      Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

      We’re preparing a patch release for this. Stay tuned.

  17. John
    John May. 16, 2019

    I am using Yoast SEO plugin for my website Sunshine Garage Doors for more than 3 years you updates are always make the SEO better and better.

    Will this Schema work like an JSON scripts? And are validate with the HTML Highlighter?

  18. Domenica Palamara
    Domenica Palamara May. 16, 2019

    I have a problem with yoast Seo 11.2!
    Help me!

    I have a wordpress 4.9 ….

    Da quando ho fatto l’aggiornamento a yoast Seo 11,2 ieri, è sparito dal mio blog il campo delle parole chiave, il campo dello snippet e molto.altro ancora! Help!!

    Ho un tema di temeforest Soledad a pagamento…

    • Edwin Toonen
      Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

      Hi Domenica. There will be a patch release for this issue with WordPress 4.9.x. Coming very soon.

  19. duniartips.com
    duniartips.com May. 16, 2019

    Best of luck yoast team!?

  20. Justin Herringe
    Justin Herringe May. 16, 2019


    We have just updated to your latest version and we have big issues

    1. The Green Yellow and Red lights for readability and SEO are no longer showing when entering or editing products
    2. The meta title and description fields at the bottom of entering products have disappeared completely not allowing us to enter any new products


    • Edwin Toonen
      Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

      Hi Justin. Are you on WordPress 4.9.x by any chance? If so, we’ve found a bug that keeps the meta box from appearing. Will be fixed in a patch release asap.

  21. Colin
    Colin May. 15, 2019

    Why don’t you make it easier for the to enable/disable certain scheme attributes. Perhaps a set of buttons with scheme name attributes would suffice for the people who are not developers?

  22. Will Sanio
    Will Sanio May. 15, 2019

    Are there more specific instructions on how to get to and tailor the schema you indicate below (and the others) or should we ask a developer?
    “If you want to change the output of a certain piece, hook into our wpseo_schema_”

    I have gotten familiar with the Json-ld code as I have been studying that specifically & want to take a crack at making these changes myself, but am not familiar with how to implement the changes you are indicating here.

  23. Bernhard
    Bernhard May. 15, 2019

    Content optimization for pages and posts is gone here, I cannot write or edit Title and Description, that little traffic light is there, but that is it.

    • Edwin Toonen
      Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

      Hi Bernhard. Are you using WordPress 4.9.x? If so, there’s a bug keeping the meta box from showing. We’re fixing it asap.

  24. Romina
    Romina May. 15, 2019

    I’ve updated the plugin and my traffic light disappeared! Help pls!

  25. Harry
    Harry May. 15, 2019

    Hi, I updated to the Yoast 11.2 version today. But, just after updating it, the meta title, meta description, SEO scores (that used to reflect earlier) all got invisible. It’s just showing the options for content optimization, but nothing appears there as such.

    I am using the WP Classic editor. Can you please help in this issue? I have been using Yoast since long but haven’t faced any such thing. Please help to resolve this.

    • Edwin Toonen
      Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

      Hi Harry. We’re working to fix it! Won’t take too long.

  26. Gizzi
    Gizzi May. 15, 2019

    Hi Yoast team !

    we already use a schema plugin and would like to avoid this new Yoast functionality interfering with that as it all runs smoothly and we would like to avoid any outside plugin interference.

    Is their a way to disable schema functionality or is it forced upon a user with no means to disable this portion of functionality.


  27. Peter
    Peter May. 15, 2019

    Hi, the link to “Schema API documentation” does not work :-)

    • Edwin Toonen
      Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

      Now it does ;)

  28. Mathukutty P V - Simply Life Tips
    Mathukutty P V - Simply Life Tips May. 15, 2019

    3 Error shows “The attribute publisher.itemtype has an invalid value.”

    • Bantu Event
      Bantu Event May. 15, 2019

      there is no snipet preview in yoast 11.2

  29. Barbara Berry
    Barbara Berry May. 15, 2019

    Having trouble with this link “Read our Schema API documentation to find out how our Schema implementation works and how you can tailor it to your needs.”

    in the “Yoast SEO 11.2: Schema enhancements and more” article.

    • Edwin Toonen
      Edwin Toonen May. 16, 2019

      Sorry about that, I’ve fixed the link.