3 March 2021
Francesca Marano
At Yoast, we believe good documentation is important for any software project, and it’s essential for open source. Documentation is building a legacy. So, whatever we do, people will be able to pick it up and continue. If you are starting out or are upskilling, you are probably looking for good documentation yourself. And even …
Read: "A week with us: why we care about documentation and team update"
24 February 2021
Justin Ahinon
Welcome back to our weekly post. Today, I want to share how the WordPress Core team at Yoast works. If you don’t know the team yet, that’s okay, we have a post on who we are and what we do that you can check out to get to know us! In this post, I’m going …
Read: "A week with us: How the team works and our weekly update"
10 February 2021
Ari Stathopoulos
This week, the team worked on several interesting projects and ended the week with the first internal contributor day at Yoast for 2021! Contributor day recap In addition to having a dedicated team of full-time WordPress contributors, at Yoast, we organize regular contributor days for our employees. On a contributor day, everyone is encouraged to …
Read: "A week with us: recap of the latest contributor day and team update"
3 February 2021
Francesca Marano
At the moment, the WordPress core team at Yoast is made up of four full-time employees. But despite what our team name may suggest, WordPress core is not the only thing we work on. We have a variety of skills and interests that spans multiple teams in the so-called Make universe, which has eighteen different …
Read: "The WordPress core team: Who we are and what we focus on"