Yoast SEO 15.5: Support for the Hungarian language

The year is drawing to a close and we are ready for our final release of 2020. In Yoast SEO 15.5, you’ll find support for the Hungarian language — including word forms in Premium. In addition, you’ll find a number of enhancements and fixes. Let’s meet Yoast SEO 15.5!

Improve your content

Having great content is essential for your site. But getting your content right isn’t that easy. Over the years, we built several language-based tools that we have fine-tuned based on our research and your experiences. For many, the SEO and readability analyses in Yoast SEO have become something of a teacher that gives you a pat on the back when you are doing awesome. Our tools help guide you towards great content — but it’s you who is doing the work. We can only do so much, but that’s why we keep working on sophisticated tools to help you take your writing to the next level.

You can find one of those smart tools in Yoast SEO Premium: word form support. For fourteen languages, we can now better find the keyphrases inside complex sentences. This is because we understand grammatical forms. A very simple example would be the word ‘puppy’, with Premium, Yoast SEO would also recognize the word ‘puppies’ as this is a relevant word form. Of course, this works for complex keyphrases as well.

In Yoast SEO 15.5, we’re adding another language to our roster: Hungarian. For free, we’re adding the passive voice assessment and the consecutive sentences assessments, and improving keyphrase recognition. In Premium, we add full word form support for the Hungarian language.

Buy Yoast SEO Premium now!

Unlock powerful features and much more for your WordPress site with the Yoast SEO Premium plugin!

Get Yoast SEO Premium Only $99 / year (ex VAT)

Enhancements and fixes

Yoast SEO 15.5 comes with quite a few fixes and enhancements. We’ve added breadcrumb schema.org structured data to the homepage and we’ve removed the Open Graph and Twitter author metadata on pages and other non-post post types. We’ve also removed support for the Facebook App ID, as Facebook has indicated this feature is no longer used on their side. Last but not least, we’ve added a notification that tells you to install and activate the Yoast SEO Multilingual plugin when you have the WPML plugin installed and activated.

Of course, we’ve also fixed several bugs with regards to unable to save settings and missing translations. For all fixes, please see the changelog for Yoast SEO 15.5

Yoast SEO 15.5

It’s time for one final release in 2020, Yoast SEO 15.5! This release mainly features several fixes and enhancements, plus full support for the Hungarian language. For Premium users, this last bit also includes word form support in Hungarian. More languages coming soon!

Discussion (20)

  1. newhorizonsinspections
    newhorizonsinspections Dec. 28, 2020

    Good work Yoast.

  2. Romel Adhikary
    Romel Adhikary Dec. 27, 2020

    Good article. Thank you.

  3. admin7259
    admin7259 Dec. 25, 2020

    Hope will be Indonesian

  4. Massimiliano
    Massimiliano Dec. 22, 2020

    Non c’è momento migliore per ringraziare tutti gli sviluppatori. grazie al vostro Plugin il mio sito ha raggiunto un’ottima indicizzazione. Consigliatissimo!
    Auguro buone feste a voi tutti!

    • Camille Cunningham
      Camille Cunningham Dec. 23, 2020

      Thank you so much, Massimiliano :) Happy holidays from team Yoast!

  5. moacir
    moacir Dec. 21, 2020

    Tem como desativar esta notificação?

    • Camille Cunningham
      Camille Cunningham Dec. 22, 2020

      Hi there! You can hide the notification by clicking on the eye icon next to it. Hope this answers your question :)

  6. Muthu Nedumaran
    Muthu Nedumaran Dec. 20, 2020

    Hi, The SEO is a useful plugin for my wordpress site. However, I am not enjoying it’s full benefits as the language I write in, Tamil, is not supported. Are there plans to support Tamil in the future?

    • Camille Cunningham
      Camille Cunningham Dec. 21, 2020

      Hi there, Muthu! Thank you for your comment. I can’t make any promises as to when, but we’ll add Tamil to the list :)

  7. Ken Kramer
    Ken Kramer Dec. 19, 2020

    this persistent notification is annoying. no way to turn it off

    • Camille Cunningham
      Camille Cunningham Dec. 21, 2020

      Hi Ken, sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this as annoying! That’s definitely not our intention. You can hide the notification by clicking the eye icon next to it.

  8. Kitty
    Kitty Dec. 18, 2020

    To cancel notification, Click “eye” to turn it off.

  9. Henry Ramirez
    Henry Ramirez Dec. 17, 2020

    If the site is in spanish is it recommended to use the keyword for that same language?

    • Camille Cunningham
      Camille Cunningham Dec. 21, 2020

      Hi Henry! If your site is in Spanish and you want to rank for keywords in that language, you can just fill in the keyword in Spanish :)

  10. Darlene McDonald
    Darlene McDonald Dec. 16, 2020

    You have no way to dismiss the notifications after they are read. It’s annoying.

    • Camille Cunningham
      Camille Cunningham Dec. 21, 2020

      Hi Darlene, sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this as annoying. That’s definitely not our intention. You can hide the notification by clicking on the eye icon next to it.

  11. Aleksandar Pantelic
    Aleksandar Pantelic Dec. 16, 2020

    When do you plan to add a support for Serbian (cyrillic)?

    • Camille Cunningham
      Camille Cunningham Dec. 21, 2020

      Hi Aleksandar, thanks for your suggestion. I can’t tell you when, but we’ll add it to the list!

  12. FM
    FM Dec. 15, 2020

    Is there any plan to release also support for Romanian language ?
    Thanks a lot for your answer.

    • Camille Cunningham
      Camille Cunningham Dec. 15, 2020

      Hi there, thanks for your comment! I can’t make any promises, but we’ll definitely add Romanian to our list :)