WordPress SEO 2.1: release notes

As we don’t want to drown these release notes in the bigger security news, we’ve made it into a separate post. WordPress SEO 2.1 (both free and premium have the same version number now) contains a series of bugfixes but also some enhancements I’d like to highlight in this post.

These changes come on top of the (arguably bigger) changes I mentioned in my post last Friday, be sure to read that if you haven’t yet.

WordPress 4.2 ready

This release makes sure that WordPress SEO behaves well with WordPress 4.2, of which the release is imminent. Most importantly it makes sure the taxonomy metadata is carried over well.

Twitter cards enabled by default

Recently, Twitter removed the need to validate your site before Twitter cards worked. This made it possible for us to enable Twitter cards by default, which we’ve done in this release. Now, if you’re installing WordPress SEO on a new site, you’ll get Twitter Cards as soon as you’ve activated the plugin.

We’ve also removed the use of the twitter:url meta tag, as Twitter no longer uses it and uses the canonical instead.

Update the Facebook API to its latest version

Changes like these are the kind of under the hood changes that nobody notices but are important nonetheless: Facebook has updated its API to a new version and is deprecating the old one. This leads to us being required to update the code in our plugin. You’ll notice some minor interface changes, but most of the stuff is under the hood.

Plugin conflict notices

Some plugins don’t really work together. For instance if two plugins add Facebook OpenGraph code to a page, Facebooks output becomes uncontrollable. For this reason we’re showing conflict notices when you install a plugin that does something our plugin does too. You can ignore them if you want to, but it should help prevent the “huh why isn’t this working” type issues.

Validation messages everywhere!

If you’re using a featured image for your social meta data, and that image is too small to work with Facebook, we’ll now show you an error. Also, if you’re editing title and description templates on the SEO → Titles & Metas page and you use a variable that isn’t available for that template, we’ll give you a helpful warning.

Discussion (72)

  1. JAYAQ
    JAYAQ May. 01, 2015

    For meta description template, should be filled with what variables?

  2. William Charles
    William Charles May. 01, 2015

    Breadcrumbs not working:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare yoast_breadcrumb() (previously declared in /home/doctorof/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/inc/wpseo-functions.php:43) in /home/doctorof/public_html/wp-content/plugins/breadcrumbs/yoast-breadcrumbs.php on line 311

    Couldn’t see anything about breadcrumbs in the SEO dashboard – do I need to update the previous code or something?

  3. Geoff Morris
    Geoff Morris Apr. 30, 2015

    Since the upgrade I’ve noticed that Facebook doesn’t take the facebook description I add to a blog post and simply posts the title and graphic.

    Is this a glitch?

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 30, 2015

      It could be… Running it through the Facebook debug tool should fix that.

  4. wanda rizha
    wanda rizha Apr. 29, 2015

    Very interesting for WordPress SEO 2.1, with SEO features it will be easier to optimize the website, but I still have not tried, whether the many changes that arise or not so,.

  5. Kevin
    Kevin Apr. 29, 2015

    YOAST on the Bridge theme. I added SEO into bottom of page and it wipes out the page settings for Bridge. Wipes out the slider shortcode, wipes out the ‘hide title’ config and wipes out the sidebar selection. Reverts it to 1/4 sidebar.

    • Ryan Walker
      Ryan Walker May. 01, 2015

      We have the same issue.

  6. Nick Clack
    Nick Clack Apr. 28, 2015

    Hi Joost,

    Any timetable on a fix for Yoast with Bridge theme and WP Bakery as it seems I am not the only one struggling with this and my Yoast plug in is still currently disabled.


    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 28, 2015

      Hi Nick,

      did you or anyone else file a bug on our GitHub repo? I don’t think I’ve seen this issue mentioned anywhere that we look.

      • Nick Clack
        Nick Clack Apr. 29, 2015

        Yes one of your guys asked me to add my problems to this post https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/issues/2314 which I did.

        • Ryan Walker
          Ryan Walker May. 01, 2015

          We have also had issues since 2.1. When text is in any of the three fields within the Yoast SEO settings of an individual page, WP Bakery Visual Composer won’t stay in Front End mode and Bridge Title Bar won’t stay off. Yoast SEO works on some pages, doesn’t work on others. While we don’t have page transitions enabled it seems the pages with the issues have js animations within them.

          • Book of Love
            Book of Love May. 01, 2015

            I’m having the same issue on my Bridge theme. Would love to be able to use both the SEO Plugin as well as the ajax/page transitions feature in Bridge. Thanks in advance!

  7. Kick Start
    Kick Start Apr. 27, 2015

    When we updated Yoast on Sat 25 April 2015, the plugin completely disappeared along with all the data we entered. I read online that you just need to re-install it and everything comes back, but when we tried we got this message: Destination folder already exists.
    It’s mixing up 2 hosts: our old 123reg host followed by the directory with our new host starting public_html.
    Sorry if this enquiry is hard to follow, but we’re pretty new to WordPress. Any advice on what we can do?
    Yours, Kick Start Enterprise

  8. dony @france-voyage
    dony @france-voyage Apr. 27, 2015

    Yoast seo is indexing the subpages of Archives.

    Even if i check the option : “Noindex subpages of Archives”

    I don’t have a problem before I update.

    I think it’s a bug in the 2.1.1 release.


  9. Kathryn Aragon
    Kathryn Aragon Apr. 26, 2015

    I updated the plugin today, and since then, a post freezes if I try to add a link from the text editor. I can do it as html, but not the wysiwyg side. Also, the SEO character count wasn’t working, and the title didn’t show in the Google preview.

  10. ??? ?????
    ??? ????? Apr. 26, 2015

    really i use Yoast SEOs is very nice
    thank you dear

  11. Christian
    Christian Apr. 25, 2015

    I’m currently trying to use the Yoast SEOs sitemap feature to include my nextgen gallery pictures. However the plugin only seems to add 2 images per posts page. I have Nextgen setup to show 35 thumbnails per page. Is there any way to fix this and include all the pictures? Im on the latest WordPress, 2.1.1. WordPress SEO and 2.0.79 on nextgen galleries. I’ve been searching through the internet but only older articles show up which didnt help.

  12. Eme
    Eme Apr. 25, 2015

    Hi there! Same problem with the 2.1.1 version: my website doesn’t load with your plugin activated. When I deactivate your plugin, my site works perfectly. I haven’t update the plugin in other website and it works too. Any help? Is there any updating coming soon?
    On the other hand, same problem with the sitemap. In WebMasterTools, appears “Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead.”
    Thank you so much!

  13. Lisette
    Lisette Apr. 24, 2015

    I have WP ver 4.2 and after installing WP SEO plugin ver 2.1.1, the pages appear to “lose” their data (content disappears / white page). Disabling the plugin fixes the issue. Should I wait for another update or is there another way around this?
    Thanks for a great plugin – who can be without it :)

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 24, 2015

      Are you running an old version of one of our premium plugins?

      • Lisette
        Lisette Apr. 24, 2015

        Thanks for the quick response.
        The plugin has been installed from the WordPress directory – not a premium version.

        • Joost de Valk
          Joost de Valk Apr. 24, 2015

          I’m asking whether you’re running one of our premium plugins on the side of it, or other plugins? We’d need a debug message to be able to see what’s going wrong.

          • Lisette
            Lisette Apr. 24, 2015

            I will check this and get back to you. Thanks

        • Lisette
          Lisette Apr. 24, 2015

          There is no other copy on the site, which has been built recently.
          The theme used has a built-in SEO feature, but we don’t use it. Yoast SEO has worked successfully on other sites using the same theme – until this morning after I performed WordPress and SEO updates.

  14. Alex
    Alex Apr. 23, 2015

    After updating to version 2.1.1 my sitemaps are now showing errors in GWT.

    Errors Received:
    1. Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead.

    2. We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit. Error 404

  15. Alex Tudor
    Alex Tudor Apr. 23, 2015

    I installed the new version, and all work fine for me.

    thanks for your work here ;)

  16. Boris Mahovac RGD
    Boris Mahovac RGD Apr. 23, 2015

    I started having issues in the back end of my WP site with your plugin ver. 2.01.
    The issue was with the post editor, if I wanted to edit any existing posts, when I open the post in the editor I couldn’t see any windows other than the content window. Even there I couldn’t switch between the visual and HTML editor.
    If I want to start a new post, everything in the editor window looks fine, WP SEO is visible, etc. As soon as I save the draft, and the editor realoads all the windows/boxes are gone.
    Updating to WP SEO 2.1.1. didn’t help.
    Disabling WP SEO makes the back end work fine again. Luckily the front end seems to operate fine with your plugin activated.
    Here’s a screen shot of how my post editor looks like with WP SEO disabled

    Here’s how it looks with WP SEO active

  17. Grown and Flown
    Grown and Flown Apr. 23, 2015

    We are on a WordPress platform and when I tried to include the familiar elements of keyword, SEO title and meta description, I don’t see the usual fields. Have they been replaced and where can I get instructions about filling those out? Thanks

  18. Michelle Moore
    Michelle Moore Apr. 23, 2015

    I have multiplule sites on Azure Server with clear database. Those with auto update the plugin has just removed itself. I had one site that was not on auto update for plugins, wp had already updated. When I updated the plugin files removed themselves from wp-content/plugins. It seems that the data is still in the database as I did have a client re install plugin without issue.

  19. Jaasiel Cruz
    Jaasiel Cruz Apr. 23, 2015

    Ok, i don’t know if anyone else is having this issue, but 2.1.1 update messed up my social sharing, i only get garble text when i try to share anything! That was the only plugin update i made to my site today and i’m stuck now.

    • Jonathan Hirshon
      Jonathan Hirshon Apr. 24, 2015

      I’m having the same problem – ever since the update, I get garbled CSS text underneath the photos in blog post shared to Facebook. They are not visible on the blog, which is http://www.thefooddictator.com but they are definitely there on Facebook.

      Hope this gets fixed soon and many thanks for a great plugin!

  20. Jonathan
    Jonathan Apr. 22, 2015

    Joost nice work man. Always impressed how you continue to stay ahead of the curve. Implementation of Knowledge Graph is simple and easy. (as it should be) Lets hope Google cooperates with it now. Keep up the good work and Long Live The Internet.

  21. Dylan
    Dylan Apr. 22, 2015

    WooCommerce is broken when Yoast plugins are enabled. If I disable WordPress SEO it all works, but obviously the important metas go with it.

    With WP SEO enabled, I can’t edit product variations, also descriptions and variations from other products are being pulled into the description area.

    Getting this in log:
    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method WPSEO_OpenGraph::image_output() in /wp-content/plugins/wpseo-woocommerce/wpseo-woocommerce.php on line 630

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 22, 2015

      Upgrading to 2.1.1 will fix that.

  22. Jaime
    Jaime Apr. 22, 2015

    Hey guys I’m getting this on most of my posts:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method WPSEO_OpenGraph::image_output() in /www/palebluedot.tv/www.palebluedot.tv/www_root/wp-content/plugins/wpseo-video/video-seo.php on line 2444

  23. Raj
    Raj Apr. 22, 2015

    Hey ,
    thanx for the update ……

  24. PS Website Design
    PS Website Design Apr. 22, 2015

    This new update will certainly make a big difference particularly with regards to Twitter cards now being enabled by default. I also think the error message which shows if the image is too small for Facebook is really valuable.

    Great tool thanks for all your hard work Joost! We love this plugin!

  25. John
    John Apr. 21, 2015

    As much as I appreciate WordPress SEO, I’d like to please request that it not insist on throwing up the “new features” splash screen after every update. I manage over 90 WP sites, most of which use WP SEO. I manage many of them remotely and when WP SEO updates, the next time I log into the admin dashboard of a site, I’m greeted with the WP SEO “Hey look what’s new!” screen instead of the site dashboard. If I am logged in to a site and update WP SEO from the dashboard, after the update completes and I try to navigate somewhere else in the dashboard, it goes to the WP SEO splash screen and I have to navigate away from that to get to where I wanted to go in the first place. Please stop it. I understand it’s just one extra click, but it’s really annoying to click on a link and be taken to somewhere else. Thanks for listening.

    • Brian Jackson
      Brian Jackson Apr. 21, 2015

      Biggest fan of Yoast SEO plugin but I do have to agree with John’s comment above! Thanks guys, keep up the great work.

  26. Ted Slater
    Ted Slater Apr. 21, 2015

    Looks like your latest plugin included spyware/bloatware/hackercode: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/security-issue-with-latest-wordpress-seo

    Once again, your quality control absolutely sucks.

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

      That’s absolute nonsense. Don’t comment about stuff you have absolutely no idea about Ted. Our vendor folder contains the auto loader used to load our PHP Classes. It’s a core part of the plugin.

  27. Babak
    Babak Apr. 21, 2015

    Thanks for update for this nice plugin :X

  28. Joost de Valk
    Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

    To all: we’ve pushed WordPress SEO 2.1.1, which fixes the issues some of you were having.

  29. Wolfgang
    Wolfgang Apr. 21, 2015

    I still have to disable your plugin with 2.1.1. Otherwise my website doesnt load

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

      Hey Wolfgang,

      ouch. sad to hear that. Do you get an error you can give me?

      • Wolfgang
        Wolfgang Apr. 21, 2015

        no i dont get an error code. my frontpage starts like every start, but if I click a link in the menu the site will not load anymore. only the sticky header and footer menu remains.

        the site only works when I insert the url by hand.

        • Wolfgang
          Wolfgang Apr. 24, 2015

          still nothing new? It also doesnt work with WP 4.2…
          So I have to change the seo plugin

          • Wolfgang
            Wolfgang Apr. 27, 2015

            No, i dont use any premium plugins of you. And I tried it as I said with your version 2.1.1 with wordpress 4.1.x and 4.2

            If I downgrade to 2.0.x it works fine as it should

          • Joost de Valk
            Joost de Valk Apr. 24, 2015

            Did you update to the latest version? Are you running any of our premium plugins or any other plugins on the side that interact with ours?

  30. Nick Clack
    Nick Clack Apr. 21, 2015

    New update stopped all our pages working, love, love, loved this plug in before. Has this update got some issues, if so will there be a fix for the issues as it seems others have too. I really want to continue using and was very much thinking of upgrading, but this mornings update kinda freaked me, until I disabled and site working fine.

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

      Fix coming in a few minutes. It’s an integration issue between our WP SEO plugin and some of our paid addons.

      • Nick Clack
        Nick Clack Apr. 22, 2015

        Sorry Joost, I applied the update but still getting a white page load with a spinning loader we have preceding the page load.

        It loads and load and loads……

        I have added nothing else since or before SEO update so I can only think to disable your great plug in until I find an update which works.

        Thanks for reaching out previously, much appreciated


        • Joost de Valk
          Joost de Valk Apr. 22, 2015

          Hey Nick,

          can you enable debug mode and see if you see any specific errors?

          • Nick Clack
            Nick Clack Apr. 23, 2015

            Hi Joost,

            I have not debugged, I really don’t know how to enable that. All I know, everything is working sweet as a nut, until I enable your plug in and the page hangs forever not loading.

            I simply cannot continue with it, which is a real pain as I loved it, we set up all our 300 pages with it, it is a crying shame we have to bail on it ;-(


          • Joost de Valk
            Joost de Valk Apr. 23, 2015

            Well, debugging might take you less time than switching over. Email our support department and we’ll be glad to help.

  31. Richard Hilton
    Richard Hilton Apr. 21, 2015

    There are errors.

    Warning: the variable %%category_description%% cannot be used in this template

    Warning: the variable %%tag%% cannot be used in this template.

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

      Yeah those are intentional: you’re using variables that wouldn’t result in something meaningful in that template.

      • Neil Gee
        Neil Gee Apr. 30, 2015

        Why wouldn’t they result in something meaningful in that template – as long as the category or tag description is filled out, then it will use that description, which would be meaningful, wouldn’t it.

  32. Rich Senior
    Rich Senior Apr. 21, 2015

    Nice update thank you! What is the recommended size for the Company Logo in WordPress SEO: General Settings?

  33. Frank Eskelund
    Frank Eskelund Apr. 21, 2015

    The same here. The update broke my woocommerce. But if I deactivated yoast woocommrce SEO and not WordPress SEO then it works and vice versa.
    It seems like it can’t run both (yoast woocommerce SEO and wordpress SEO).

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

      If you update to the latest version of WP SEO (2.1.1) that’s fixed.

  34. Sam Torres
    Sam Torres Apr. 21, 2015

    Thank you for the update, but most importantly thanks you for being so prompt with every WordPress release. I’ve been using your plugin for a while now and all I can say is that it’s definitely the best one out there.

  35. Shajjadul Islam
    Shajjadul Islam Apr. 21, 2015

    Thanks for update. I already change all of my website.

  36. Paul
    Paul Apr. 21, 2015

    Deactivating the plugin allowed site to work.

  37. Paul
    Paul Apr. 21, 2015

    Same as above, Latest update broke woocommerce.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method WPSEO_OpenGraph::image_output() ***************wp-content/plugins/wpseo-woocommerce/wpseo-woocommerce.php on line 630

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

      Hey Paul,

      We’ve fixed the issue, a release is forthcoming. We’re very sorry about this.

  38. Jackson
    Jackson Apr. 20, 2015

    Thanks for the updates. After updating, we are getting white screens for all front-end and back-end pages associated with The Events Calendar. When WP SEO is deactivated, the pages are accessible. From the error log:
    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method WPSEO_OpenGraph::image_output() in /nas/wp/www/cluster-10353/aquaponic/wp-content/plugins/wpseo-woocommerce/wpseo-woocommerce.php on line 612

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

      Hey Jackson,

      We’ve fixed the issue, a release is forthcoming. We’re very sorry about this.

  39. Will
    Will Apr. 20, 2015

    On one of my clients sites, update gives me white screen of death!

  40. Greg B
    Greg B Apr. 20, 2015

    Just an FYI, this new update breaks WooCommerce permalinks for many products. Not sure specifically what the issue is but it began occurring after installing your latest update and WooCommerce 2.3.8. Clicking on certain SKUs results in a blank page – Debug mode points to a PHP error from your plugin. Disabling WP SEO resolves the issue.

    • Joost de Valk
      Joost de Valk Apr. 21, 2015

      Hey Greg,

      we’ve found and fixed the issue, a release is coming.

  41. Paco
    Paco Apr. 20, 2015

    Thank you for your work, I love this plugin.

    The breadcrumbs in the Google SERPs got broken, I hope that with this release this is fixed. I have checked this page in Rich snippets testing tool and it gives 1 error missing url, is this ok? This same page (https://yoast.com/wordpress-seo-2-1-release-notes/)

    Kind regards.