14 October 2021
Francesca Marano
7 October 2021
Justin Ahinon
All the team is very excited about our upcoming contributor day tomorrow. While registrations are already closed, you can still check the information about the day here. You will find all details about the schedule, the different tables as well as the table leads. Our weekly team updates Justin Using REST API in Core e2e …
Read: "A week with us: Contributor day is tomorrow"
29 September 2021
Justin Ahinon
On October 8th, Yoast will organize another contributor day. Anyone who wants to contribute to WordPress is welcome to join! It will be a great opportunity to discover the world of contribution, or for the more experienced, to contribute to WordPress in a collaborative way. The registration for the contributor day is now open! It …
Read: "A week with us: Getting ready for contributor day"
16 September 2021
Francesca Marano
Our weekly team updates This week Sergey merged a PR that Ari created and worked on for a while, Carolina is back from her time off – while Justin is enjoying some rest – and Francesca enjoyed an in-person event. The team is getting ready for the final quarter of 2021, a thought that is …
Read: "A week with us: Q4 is around the corner"
9 September 2021
Francesca Marano
This week a lot of contributors to the WordPress open source project are coming back to work after the summer holidays. The WordPress Core team is busy, as usual, and excited to tackle yet another release of WordPress.org, which is shaping up to be exciting in multiple areas. Let’s see what everyone has worked on …
Read: "A week with us: getting ready for WordPress 5.9"
2 September 2021
Francesca Marano
This week, we have a different kind of article on our blog. Before becoming sponsored, full-time contributors at Yoast, we were all individual, volunteer contributors. This means we all worked on the open-source project in our spare time or sometimes by using our own billable hours to contribute. In this post, I’d like to share …
Read: "How to really help the WordPress project"
26 August 2021
Ari Stathopoulos
Our team has been focusing on many great projects, from improving documentation to making the themes directory better. But also improving plugin & theme updates and ensuring there are no problems with the next PHP versions. All these things take time and commitment, and we sometimes need to put our heads down and focus on …
Read: "A week with us: Commitment matters"
5 August 2021
Francesca Marano
The end-of-Gregorian-year and summer holidays are quiet periods in the WordPress project. Whilst we are a global community, and not everyone has holidays simultaneously, things usually slow down a bit. We can tackle things that fell between the cracks or things that we left behind when things were more hectic. So, it turns out that …
Read: "A week with us: Summertime is quiet… or is it?"