X sharing not working
How to view X sharing data
There are a number of reasons that sharing on X fails to display correctly. X’s card validator will provide you with a lot of information that might help narrow down the issue.
- Go to X’s card validator
Log in, if requested.
- Enter the URL you wish to check
- Click Preview card
A preview is displayed under Card preview.
X shows the wrong title, description, or image
The most common cause for X using the wrong image is wrong or multiple X meta tags. Please view the source code for the page.
Multiple sets of X meta tags
If the source code has multiple sets of X meta tags, another plugin or theme feature is set up to create tags. If you are unsure what outputs the additional tags, a conflict check can help.
One set of X meta tags
If the source code has one set of X meta tags and the tags have the correct information but X doesn’t use it, the URL was likely shared recently. Your content is cached by X for 7 days after a link to your page with card markup has been published in a tweet.
If the source code has one set of X meta tags and the tags have the wrong information, please check that custom tags have been set correctly.
X doesn’t show an image
Please make sure the image meets the requirements for the card type: Summary card or Summary with large image card
The card validator can, also, be used on direct image URLs to check for errors.