Related keyphrases: metrics explanation
In Yoast SEO Premium, you can enable our Semrush integration to find related keyphrases in addition to your focus keyphrase. These related keyphrases have extra metrics, that can help you choose the best one. These metrics are Intent, Volume, Trend and Difficulty. In this article, we will briefly explain what these metrics are and explain how they affect your SEO.

Did you know that with Semrush in Yoast SEO Premium, you can add up to five additional keyphrases to each post and page? Yoast SEO will then analyze the additional keyphrases in your content and give you feedback on each one!

Intent refers to search intent. It describes the purpose of an online search. The types of searches are informational intent, navigational intent, transactional intent and commercial intent: you can hover over the icon to get more information. We have written an in-depth explanation of what search intent is and why it is important for SEO.
Volume is the average number of monthly searches for the related keyphrase over the last 12 months. This metric is based on the last month and as a result can change each month.
Trend refers to the interest of searchers over the last 12 months. It therefore provides an overview of when searchers used this keyphrase in the last year. The metric is based on number of searches per month.
Difficulty indicates how easy or hard it is to use this related keyphrase to start ranking. Hovering over the number will give a small explanation on what else you need to do if you want to rank.