Add custom fields to Yoast SEO Premium plugin settings

It is possible to scan custom fields with Yoast SEO. Note that you can do that only with the Yoast SEO Premium plugin and it only works on posts, products, custom post types, pages etc. It is not available on media attachment pages, taxonomies, archives, 404 pages, search pages, or author pages. In this post, we give you a step-by-step guide on how to add custom fields to Yoast SEO Premium.

To be able to add the custom fields to Yoast SEO, you need to know their names. If you are not sure what the names of the custom fields are, follow the steps in this post – Find the correct custom field name.

How to add custom fields to Yoast SEO Premium

  1. Log in to your WordPress website.

    When you’re logged in, you will be in your Dashboard.

  2. Click the “Yoast SEO” menu item in the admin menu on the left-hand side.

    The menu expands with additional menu items.
    Screenshot of the "Yoast SEO" menu item.

  3. Click “Settings”.

    In the menu that expands when you click “Yoast SEO”, click “Settings”.
    Screenshot of the settings menu item in Yoast SEO

  4. Click on the content type you want to add custom fields to.

    In the Yoast SEO settings menu, click on the content type you want to add custom fields to (e.g. Posts, Pages).
    Screenshot of the "Posts" menu item in the Yoast SEO settings.

  5. Scroll down to ‘Additional settings’.

  6. Add the custom field name in the input box below ‘Add custom fields to page analysis’ in the ‘Additional settings’.

    You can add multiple custom fields in a comma-separated list, like this: customfield,customfield2,customfield3Screenshot of the 'Add custom fields to page analysis' input box in the Additional settings for Posts in Yoast SEO.

  7. Click ‘Save changes’.

Using Advanced Custom Fields

Yoast SEO (free or Premium)

If you want Yoast SEO to scan fields from Advanced Custom Fields, please install the ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO plugin. You can learn more about this plugin on the plugin compatibility page.

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