How to use the Yoast AI Optimize feature in WordPress

Want to SEO-optimize your content in WordPress with the click of a button? With our new feature, you no longer have to fix your keyphrase issues step by step: you can improve your content automatically! Learn how to use the Yoast AI Optimize features to fix your keyphrase issues, so you can continue creating great content.

Where to find the Yoast AI Optimize feature

Want to find the Yoast AI Optimize feature? Make sure that your Yoast SEO Premium subscription is up-to-date: this AI-powered feature was launched in the Yoast SEO Premium for WordPress 23.2 release.

This feature is currently available for Posts and Pages in WordPress. Click on any of your posts or pages and go to the Yoast SEO sidebar. Under Premium SEO analysis, you will find the sparkly Yoast AI Optimize icons next to select keyphrase assessments.

How to use the Yoast AI Optimize feature

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard

    Log into WordPress and go to your Dashboard.

  2. Go to your Posts or Pages editor

    Click on any of your Posts or Pages in your Dashboard menu to start using Yoast AI Optimize.

  3. Open the Premium SEO analysis in the Yoast SEO sidebar

    In the Premium SEO analysis, you will find the Yoast AI Optimize feature next to the assessments and the eye icon. This feature is currently available for the assessments Keyphrase in introduction; Keyphrase density and Keyphrase distribution.

  4. Click the sparkly icon to receive suggestions

    Click the sparkly icon to receive AI-powered suggestions to improve your keyphrase assessments.

  5. Approve the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

    If you haven’t used our AI features before, you will need to approve the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. You’ll only need to approve once, but we want to confirm your consent as our AI features rely on external services. Please be aware that granting consent will result in your data being transferred for the AI functionality.

  6. Apply or dismiss the suggestion

    By clicking Apply or Dismiss you can choose to accept or reject the suggestions. They will be automatically applied throughout the text. You can also edit the suggestions after applying them.

  7. Congratulations!

    You can now continue creating great content!

I have a question or a problem

Do you have questions about how the AI features in Yoast SEO work? Read our AI features FAQ for answers to the most commonly asked questions! Are you running into problems while using any of our AI features? Check our Common AI features problems and errors article to troubleshoot your issues!

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