Included in Yoast SEO Premium for WordPress
Yoast AI features
Apply AI-powered suggestions for your meta descriptions
and content at the click of a button. Our features save you
time and proactively optimize your content for search
apply SEO best practices at the click of a button
What the Yoast AI features do
Perfect for marketing professionals, freelance writers, and content strategists, Yoast AI features enable customers of all technical levels to apply SEO best practices to their content at the click of a button.
Yoast AI Generate
Circumnavigate brain freeze with ease with our Yoast AI Generate features.
Designed specifically for ideation, these features generate multiple titles and meta descriptions from which you can choose! If you don’t like them, no worries; you can easily generate more or apply and tweak them.
New feature Aug 2024
Yoast AI Optimize
Receive AI-powered suggestions to optimize your existing copy for SEO at a click. Yoast AI Optimize highlights suggested changes for certain assessments in the Yoast SEO Analysis, allowing you to easily apply or dismiss them. This ensures that the final decision always remains in your hands
Available for Yoast SEO Premium for WordPress
Yoast AI Optimize
You finished your copy — great! Until you realize you need to complete manual tweaks to achieve green lights on the Yoast SEO Analysis.
Not a problem when you have Yoast SEO Premium, Yoast AI Optimize brings solutions to you!
Yoast AI Optimize benefits
- AI-powered suggested edits for your posts and pages
- Flexible results. Start with the AI-generated feature, then adjust it to fit your requirements
- Easy dismiss or apply options, ensuring the human element is not lost
- Easy to use, seamless integration into Yoast SEO Premium
- Optimize these assessments in the Yoast SEO Analysis; Keyphrase in introduction, Keyphrase distribution, Keyphrase density, Sentence Length and Paragraph Length
Yoast AI Optimize limitations
Yoast AI Optimize, like all other AI features, is currently in beta. This means you may experience limitations when using the tool. For transparency, these are listed below.
- Yoast AI Optimize is only available for texts up to around 1000 words. For longer texts, the button will be inactive.
- Yoast AI Optimize is only available for the Block editor. It can optimize content in the following blocks: Paragraph, Heading, List, and Table block. Content from other blocks cannot be optimized.
- Yoast AI Optimize currently is available for the following SEO checks: Keyphrase in Introduction, Keyphrase Density, Keyphrase Distribution, Sentence Length and Paragraph Length. For keyphrase density, we only support the case in which the keyphrase is underused. If the keyphrase is overused, we do not provide the Yoast AI Optimize feature.
- You can only accept or reject all suggestions. It is not currently possible to accept parts of a suggestion.
- For longer texts, it might take up to a minute for AI Optimize to produce a result.
Providing feedback to help shape our AI features
Yoast AI Optimize is currently in beta, and we value your feedback to make it even better. Your insights and suggestions will help us refine and enhance the AI-powered title and meta description generation feature. To help shape this tool’s future and contribute to your SEO strategy’s success, please provide feedback here.
Available for Yoast SEO Premium for WordPress and Yoast seo for Shopify
Yoast AI Generate
Titles and meta descriptions are often among the first things your customers see so they need to be enticing to encourage your customers to click.
All of the following are available when you have Yoast SEO Premium or Yoast SEO for Shopify:

SEO-optimized titles and descriptions
Generate title and meta descriptions for blog posts, pages and category pages.

Shareworthy social titles and descriptions
Generate social titles and descriptions using the social preview tool.

Product metadata at a click
With Yoast WooCommerce you can generate product titles and meta descriptions for your product range.
Yoast AI Generate benefits
- Highly relevant, AI-generated tailored titles and meta descriptions for your posts and pages
- Multiple options for titles and meta descriptions. If you don’t like them, just click to generate more options
- Customizable output. Use the AI generate feature to get you started then tweak to suit your needs
- Easy to use, seamless integration into Yoast SEO Premium
- Preview how your generated titles and meta descriptions appear in the organic search results
- Continuously updated guidance to ensure you always have the most up-to-date advice.
Pro tip!
Marina Koleva & Agnieszka Szuba – Linguistics department
Make sure the introduction mentions the main topic of your page’s content in order to optimize meta descriptions and titles. The introduction is where most of the information for your generated results is collected, so this is one more reason to ensure it is well-written. If you need a refresher on how to write a good introduction, check out this article.