Zaman Hassan receives the Yoast Care fund for his contribution to the WordPress community

Zaman Hassan

Nominated by:
Abdullah Ramzan

Meet Zaman Hassan, a cherished member of the WordPress Community Team! His dedication and valuable contributions to the community are the very reason why Abdullah Ramzan nominated him for the Yoast Care fund. Let’s get to know this passionate WordPress enthusiast a bit better.

Nominator Abdullah Ramzan: “I am delighted to nominate Zaman Hassan for his outstanding contributions to the WordPress community. Zaman has been an integral part of WordPress Lahore since 2019, and his community journey began with his enthusiastic volunteering at WordCamp Lahore 2019. He has continued to show his dedication by actively supporting local meetups. Zaman was a valuable member of the organizing team for WordCamp Lahore 2023.

Let’s get to know Zaman Hassan

That’s quite an introduction, Abdullah! We would love to get to know Zaman even better. That’s why we asked him some questions about his work and his passion for WordPress:

Hi, Zaman! What do you do?

I am a freelance WordPress designer and SEO strategist, who is busy helping people grow online by creating elegant website designs using WordPress, and improving search engine rankings. Additionally, I am an active member of the WordPress community to give back to the open-source CMS. I also love to support the community and help beginners.

How do you know about WordPress?

I have been using WordPress to design websites since 2022. Since then, I have created many website designs for clients and provided freelance WordPress services.

Why WordPress?

I like WordPress because it is user-friendly, highly customizable, SEO-friendly, cost-effective, and supported by a large community. It also offers strong security, scalability, multimedia support, and ecommerce capabilities.

Who is your WordPress hero?

I have learned a lot from the WordPress community. Mr. Farrukh Hassan is my WordPress hero and mentor. Farrukh guided me at every step of my contribution to the community. Besides Farrukh, everyone in the community was fun to work with, and I found everyone very helpful and courteous.

What contribution or moment are you most proud of?

WordPress Community Lahore led me to volunteer at WordCamp Lahore 2019. Later, my contribution to the community hierarchy let me to organize WordCamp Lahore in 2023, which was one of my proudest moments as a contributor to WordPress. On the event day, I worked with the event outreach team and Food wrangler.

Thank you for this interview, Zaman, and for all of your contributions to the WordPress community! Do you know someone like Zaman Hassan who also deserves to be in the spotlight? Go to our Yoast Care page and nominate them right away.