
  • Autoupdates: No
  • Caching
  • CDN
  • Free SSL
  • Regular backups
  • SSH: No
  • Staging environment
  • WP-CLI: No

PHP Versions

  • 7.0
  • 7.1
  • 7.2
  • 7.3 (Default)
  • 7.4
Latest curl version

Admin interface

  • Custom interface

Support language

  • English

Support channels

  • Chat
  • Email
  • Phone

Server locations

  • Australia
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Giving back

Gives back to the community

Our team has been a Global Silver sponsor for all WordCamps, we regularly speak at WordPress events, and we produce open source code for the WordPress community, including the Better Reviews for WooCommerce plugin and the Limit Orders for WooCommerce plugin.