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Yoast SEO Premium

Get Yoast SEO Premium Only $99 USD / year (ex VAT), including 1 year free updates and support
Risk-free: 30-day money back guarantee - No questions asked

Yoast SEO free

No more ads in Yoast SEO
By buying premium, you support the ongoing development and improvement of our plugin. This means we’ll be able to remove the ads in your plugin. We love your support! Thanks!
 We’ll show you our ads
You’ll see ads for our other awesome products and services. This allows us to invest in improving and maintaining our plugin.
NEW! Optimize for keywords, keyphrases, synonyms, related keywords and all word forms of those
Help your page rank better by taking synonyms and related keywords into account. We’ll also show you how these are distributed over your page!
Only 1 keyword or keyphrase per page
You might be missing out on search traffic for synonyms or related terms. Check manually if you use all synonyms and related words you’d like to rank for often enough in your text.
Preview your page in Google, Bing, Facebook and Twitter
You’ll get a good idea of how your page may look in search results, and you get full control over how your page appears on Facebook and on Twitter. So you’re sure it convinces people to click through.
No preview of your page in Facebook and Twitter
You know what your page might look like in Google and Bing, but as for Facebook and Twitter? You can only guess and cross your fingers.
Get real-time suggestions for internal links
You get suggestions for links to other pages as you write. Google loves these internal links and might reward you with a better ranking.
You have to look up related pages yourself
Don’t forget to reserve extra time for looking up related pages to link to. For every single page you create … and all the current pages on your website.
We’ll ask what you want us to do with every deleted page
This way, old pages are seamlessly redirected to new ones. So you keep both your visitors and Google happy.
You have to create a redirect every time you delete a page
If you forget to redirect, your visitors get stuck on a 404 page. And Google doesn’t like those “Page not found” messages.
Be sure your content can be found by search engines
Get an overview of all pages that have no other pages linking to them. Search engines need at least one link to find and index a page, before they can show it in the search results.
You have to search for these pages yourself
You’ll need to check manually if there are links to all relevant pages on your website.
No matter how you like to write your posts in WordPress, we’ll make sure you’ll have a great Yoast SEO experience in both the classic editor and Gutenburg!
In premium and in free
Obviously, both Gutenberg and the classic editor are supported in our free plugin as well!
24/7 support
Our wonderful and knowledgeable support team loves to personally help you with every question you ask through email.
No support
You can help yourself with our extensive knowledge database. There are over 580 articles, so your question is definitely in there.
Get an overview of your SEO scores and focus keywords
You can automatically generate a CSV file that gives you an overview of your keywords, URL, readability score and/or title. So it’s easy to see what you should optimize next.
No dashboard
You’ll have to click around your website and compile this Excel dashboard yourself.
  • Free updates every 2 weeks
  • Includes all features from the free plugin like:
  • Readability check
  • SEO analysis
  • Full control over your breadcrumbs
  • Always updated for Google’s algorithm

All plugin settings will be automatically migrated to Yoast SEO Premium for you.
So you keep all the work you’ve already put into your free plugin.

Get Yoast SEO Premium Only $99 USD / year (ex VAT), including 1 year free updates and support
Risk-free: 30-day money back guarantee - No questions asked
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Only $99 USD / year (ex VAT)