How does Yoast WooCommerce SEO help your store rank?

Yoast WooCommerce SEO

Get WooCommerce SEO Only $79 / year (ex VAT), including 1 year free updates and support
Risk-free: 30-day money back guarantee - No questions asked

Without Yoast WooCommerce SEO 

Preview what your products look like in Google’s search results
To help you visualize how your search results might look, you can now see the rating, number of reviews, price, and availability in the Google Preview tool.
Wait until your pages rank to see what your results look like

Show off your products in the search results
The plugin automatically outputs all the necessary structured data you need to get rich snippets for your products, material, prices, and reviews!
Manually add all the structured data needed to get rich results
Optimize product pages and write product descriptions that rank
Yoast WooCommerce SEO comes with a product-specific SEO analysis to help you optimize your product page.
Optimize your products with the basic analysis from Yoast SEO
Provide extra detail to users and search engines
Yoast WooCommerce SEO reminds you to configure the most important product details, and metadata, for your product; like the manufacturer, brand, color, and GTIN/EAN/UPC/MPN information, so it can output all this information in which Google needs to better understand your products
Manually add all the metadata in your schema output
Upgrade your social media cards
Yoast WooCommerce SEO uses details like your product’s price and stock and presents them in such a way that social platforms like Pinterest can use them to show rich results.
Put in a lot of time to get these detailed cards on social media

Show the right product variants to the right customers
You can add global identifiers to help Google makes sense of the different variations a product has. This will help Google to show the right product variants to the right customers.

Need to find other workarounds to add global identifiers

Improve your breadcrumb navigation
Yoast WooCommerce SEO extends your ability to configure your breadcrumb navigation, beyond the defaults provided by WooCommerce.
Only use the default settings that WooCommerce provided
Automatically optimize your XML sitemap
Automatically hide pages for product variations from your XML sitemap, so Google will know which pages are most important.
Manually exclude all product variations from your sitemap
Get access to our ecommerce SEO course
Learn how to set up a top-notch ecommerce SEO strategy from our experts. This course contains 9 modules, which cover all the topics you need to kick-start your store’s SEO and win in the search results.
Only get access to our free Academy courses
Get 24/7 Premium support
Our expert support team is available 24/7 to answer any question you have through email.

No personalized support
You can help yourself with our extensive knowledge database. There are over 580 articles, so your question is most likely in there.

Get the Yoast WooCommerce Premium bundle and save 20% on your purchase

  • Combine Yoast WooCommerce SEO and Yoast SEO Premium for the best results
  • Optimize your store with Premium features
  • Optimize for the right keywords that searchers use
  • Save time on SEO tasks
  • Get FULL access to Yoast SEO academy
  • Save 20% when buying multiple plugins