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Yoast SEO Premium

Get Yoast SEO Premium Only $99 / year (ex VAT), including 1 year free updates and support
Risk-free: 30-day money back guarantee - No questions asked

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24/7 access to support
Our wonderful and knowledgeable support team loves to personally help you with every question you ask through email.
No support
You can help yourself with our extensive help center. There are over 580 articles, so your question is definitely in there.
Be first to get new features & tools
Get access to the newest features of Yoast SEO Premium before everyone else.
Get access to our free features
We have to give extra features to people that support our work!
Full access to all Yoast SEO academy courses
Get access to all our SEO training courses in Yoast SEO academy and become an SEO expert yourself!
Get access to our free courses
Get up to speed on all basic SEO knowledge
Find & add high-performing keywords right in Yoast SEO
Find data about your keyphrases in Yoast SEO. Boost the relevance of your content by optimizing for related keywords people actually use. Available for 100+ countries & powered by Semrush.
Manually add related keyphrases
Access the keyphrase data, but optimize for different keyphrases yourself
Optimize without worrying about over-optimization!
Our intelligent word form recognition automatically takes plurals and other word forms into account. Add synonyms and write totally natural content. No more stressing over green bullets!
Only 1 keyword or keyphrase per page
Spend hours shuffling words to make sure you are giving your users a natural text to read, which is also optimized for Google.
New: Improve your internal linking through the brand-new SEO workouts!
Get help to spot pages without links, improve your internal linking, and clean up underperforming content.
Manually keep your site clean
You’ll have to clean up your content and work on your internal linking structure without guidance
Available in multiple languages
Word form recognition is available in English, Dutch, German, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Polish, Arabic, Hebrew, Hungarian, Norwegian, Turkish, Czech, and Indonesian & more languages to come!
Manually check your content
Manually research, adjust, and improve your content and keywords
Tell Google exactly what your page is about
Make sure that Google, Bing, Pinterest, and other platforms all know exactly what your page is about, by adding schema.org data the right way. Faster indexing, rich results!
In Premium and in Free
As this really makes the internet as a whole better, we put it in both our paid and free plugin!
New: Automate your publishing flow in Yoast SEO
With the Zapier tool in Yoast SEO Premium, you can easily send out your published posts to any of its 2000+ destinations. Right at the push of a button!
Spend a lot of time distributing your content
Make sure that you don’t forget to post on every social media yourself.
Know when to update your most important pages!
We’ll keep an eye on your most important pages and warn you when these haven’t been updated for six months. Google likes fresh content!
Keep an eye on all pages manually
You’ll need to check manually if there are any outdated pages that might need to be updated.
Preview your page in Google, Bing, Facebook and Twitter
You’ll get a good idea of how your page may look in search results, and you get full control over how your page appears on Facebook and on Twitter. So you’re sure it convinces people to click through.
No preview of your page in Facebook and Twitter
You know what your page might look like in Google and Bing, but as for Facebook and Twitter? You can only guess and cross your fingers.
Get real-time suggestions for internal links
You get suggestions for links to other pages as you write. Google loves these internal links and might reward you with a better ranking. You’ll be able to add Yoast Internal Linking blocks as well!
You have to look up related pages yourself
Don’t forget to reserve extra time for looking up related pages to link to. For every single page you create … and all the current pages on your website. If you don’t structure your site well, Google might not be able to understand your site properly.
Use Internal linking blocks to structure your site easily
You’ll get access to the Yoast Internal Linking blocks for the Block editor. With these smart blocks, you’ll be able to create a proper site structure in no time!
You’ll have to add links manually to every page
You’ll run the risk of forgetting certain links. Plus, it’s a time-consuming task that never ends. Whilst proper site structure is crucial for both your visitors and Google.
We’ll ask what you want us to do with every deleted page
This way, old pages are seamlessly redirected to new ones. So you keep both your visitors and Google happy.
You have to create a redirect every time you delete a page
If you forget to redirect, your visitors get stuck on a 404 page. And Google doesn’t like those “Page not found” messages.
Be sure your content can be found by search engines
Get an overview of all pages that have no other pages linking to them. Search engines need at least one link to find and index a page, before they can show it in the search results.
You have to search for these pages yourself
You’ll need to check manually if there are links to all relevant pages on your website.
We’ve removed the ads for you. We love your support! Thanks!
You’ll see ads for our other awesome products and services.
Get an overview of your SEO scores and focus keywords
You can automatically generate a CSV file that gives you an overview of your keywords, URL, readability score and/or title. So it’s easy to see what you should optimize next.
No dashboard
You’ll have to click around your website and compile this Excel dashboard yourself.
  • Free updates every 2 weeks
  • Includes all features from the free plugin like:
  • Readability check
  • SEO analysis
  • Full control over your breadcrumbs
  • Always updated for Google’s algorithm

All plugin settings will be automatically migrated to Yoast SEO Premium for you.
So you keep all the work you’ve already put into your free plugin.

Get Yoast SEO Premium Only $99 / year (ex VAT), including 1 year free updates and support
Risk-free: 30-day money back guarantee - No questions asked
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Only $99 / year (ex VAT)